A Gallery Of Weird Chinese Inventions

The inventions that make up this gallery are strange, unquestionably handmade, and many seem quite useful.

Like the one man paddle submarine pictured above, they look like clever and inventive ways to get around, and may not seem so strange when your town gets hit by a flood.

However, personal safety clearly wasn't a consideration when these inventions were built, and some of them look like they might explode right in your face!


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"However, personal safety clearly wasn’t a consideration when these inventions were built, and some of them look like they might explode right in your face!"

And in that sentence we see what has become so wrong with the human race today. Time was that people (outside of China) took risks. These days it is the norm to look upon life's risk takers as if there is something wrong with them.

The risk averse are becoming dominant and if this continues the human race will stagnate.
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I love that they seem to want to stick robot-like things on the front or back of a lot of them, even though they seem to have no actual function!

Life would be a lot more exciting were there a few less safety regulations.
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