Archive for December 29th, 2011

Brain Error Street Art

Timm Schneider a.k.a. Kong, the German designer behind the Cartoon Eyes Street Art and many other projects, has a new thing going. This time he's putting up error messages on advertisements. The message reads: *s...

Brett Domino Trio Rocks Their Cover Of Earthquake

(YouTube Link) These geektastic electronic musicians play the kind of songs that make you want to click your left mouse button excessively while nerding out online. They have a style all their own, part electronic, p...

Tubalr Wants To Change The Way We Watch YouTube Vids

Have you ever wished for a way to filter through all the crap on YouTube and find the music videos you're craving in a world devoid of music television? (MTV is clearly no longer about the music, thanks guys). Wel...

Long Out Of Print Blade Runner Sketchbook Is Now Online

The Interwebs are so full of goodies that every day is like Christmas day for those who are willing to dig around. One such gem is the Blade Runner sketchbook, chock full of production designs from the original movie...

Fashion Designers Take On Traditional Christmas Trees

If you thought your Christmas tree was outlandish this year, take a gander at these wild and wacky trees, created by some of the world's top fashion designers. There are trees designed by Gaultier (pictured above)...

A Gallery Of Weird Chinese Inventions

The inventions that make up this gallery are strange, unquestionably handmade, and many seem quite useful. Like the one man paddle submarine pictured above, they look like clever and inventive ways to get around,...

Turning Earthquake-Destroyed Town Into Art

In 1968, the town of Gibellina in Sicily, Italy, was destroyed by an earthquake. Its residents decided to rebuild the town in a nearby (and hopefully more stable) location, thus turnin...

Behind-the-Scenes: Journey of Your Checked Bag

What happens when your luggage pass through those black rubber flaps at the airport? Delta Airlines sent a camera through the conveyor belts to give you a glimpse of a day in the life...

Dalek Bunny Just Wants to Snuggle You into Extinction

Lea Hernandez's bunny wabbit just wants to be loved. There's no reason to be afraid. Link -via The Mary SueDoctor Who...

For Sale: The UK's Enormous Bomb Shelter Designed to House the Government during a Nuclear War

(Video Link) Built in the 1950s, this bunker in Wiltshire could house and feed 4,000 people for three months. The United Kingdom designed it to house the government if the worst happened during the Cold War. Watch t...

S’more Quesadillas

The main problem with s'mores is that they break apart and get messy with the first bite. Fortunately, Nick of Dude Foods, the culinary innovator who introduced the world to the chocolate covered deep fried triple do...

Geek Dream Job Opening

Professor Stephen Hawking is looking for an assistant. Originally, the job was to be for a technician who can maintain and troubleshoot his computerized voice system -and that's still the most important part of the job d...

Dubsteppin' Grandma

(Video Link) Or, more precisely, she's dancing to dubstep music. She's no Marquese Scott yet, but the 94-year old grandmother of YouTube user chucklepley can bust out the moves. -via Geekosystemelderly,...

Grand Theft Auto IV Burger in Real Life

Rampaging around Liberty City builds up an appetite, so it's a good idea to stop at Cluckin' Bell for a burger. The folks at Gourmet Gaming decided to make that gaming experience real by making their own. You can fin...

The Rational Calendar

Tired of holidays falling on different days of the week year after year? So is former NASA astrophysicist Richard Conn Henry. That's why he designed the so-called rational calendar:...

One Of The Hardest NES Games Ever Translated To English

Have you ever heard of a game called Takeshi's Challenge? Probably not, since this game from 1986 has only been available for the Famicon (Japan's NES), and all the in-game text is in Japanese, up until now. Dedic...

Hilarious Sentimental New Years Cards

Want to tell people how you're really feeling about the coming of a new year? Then send out one of these hilarious Ecards from some ecards. They're guaranteed to make the recipient think twice about what is...

This Trailer For Kiki Trick Is Utter Madness

(YouTube Link) This trailer for the upcoming video game release Kiki Trick will have you wondering just WTF is going on. The game is from the makers of Wario Ware, which is full of crazy moments and...

Did Columbus Bring Syphilis to Europe?

Christopher Columbus may have brought smallpox that devastated the Native American populations, but according to some scientists, they've got him (and those Europe colonists) back by...

Amazing Sculptures Made Using Matchsticks

These incredibly detailed sculptures were made by UK artist David Mach, who uses thousands of matchsticks pressed into a clay mold to form the likeness of Chaplin, Marilyn and Ben Kingsley, among others. Mach uses...

Are We Still in The Great Recession?

The Government told us that the Great Recession ended in 2009, but why does it still feel like we're in one? That's because we are actually still in a recession, silly! Well, according...

The Secret to Wendy's Success: Round-ish Burgers

If you've eaten at a Wendy's fast food joint recently, you've noticed that their restaurants have a bit more customers. Indeed, Wendy's is set to outpace Burger King to claim the num...

CANAF Championship

(YouTube link) The Cup of African Nations for Amputee Football (CANAF) concluded last month in Ghana, and Liberia won the tournament by defeating Ghana in the final game 4-2. Link -via BuzzfeedSports, football, socc...

Would You Want George Lucas to Keep Making Star Wars Movies?

It's not such a simple question, considering the history of the movie franchise. Are bad Star Wars movies better than no Star Wars movies? All of these questions are very much tied together. We all wan...

Newsflash: Fiction is Sometimes Medically Inaccurate

When you watch a movie or TV show featuring characters in your own profession, it's natural to criticize the fact that the writers are not as familiar with that profession as someone who actually does it for a living. It...

Crocodile Captures Lawnmower

(YouTube link) Elvis the crocodile lives at Australian Reptile Park near Sydney. He did not appreciate the noisy lawnmower that was invading his territory, so he captured it and pulled it into his underwater home. E...

More Honest Logos by Viktor Hertz

Images: Viktor Hertz/Flickr We posted about Viktor Hertz' Honest Logos on Neatorama before, but a post by Alice Yoo of the always neat My Modern Met reminded me to c...

130-year-old Sound Recordings

Alexander Graham Bell and his Volta Laboratory Associates began research into recording sound in the early 1880s. They tried a variety of recording mediums, such as glass, wax, rubber, and metal. The experimental materia...

Kraków's Amazing Nativity Sets

The Polish city of Kraków has a rich tradition of building fanciful and elaborate Nativity sets, known in Polish as szopki, that dates back to the arrival of Franciscan friars in the city in the Thirteenth Century....

Award-Winning Animated Short of Plato's Cave

(Video Link) In his Republic, presents an allegory of the value of philosophy and the nature of knowledge that is popularly known as Plato's Cave: to the unenlightened mind, the world is filled with confusi...


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