The town of Júzcar in the Spanish province of Andalucía got an offer they couldn't refuse. Sony Pictures approached the village for an opportunity to promote the 2011 movie The Smurfs. Would the citizens be willing to have their whitewashed homes and public buildings painted blue? The local government would receive a nice cash payment, and the buildings would be painted twice -once blue, and then restored to their original white. It was a win-win situation. But... the villagers and tourists liked it so much that Júzcar will remain blue! See lots of pictures of blue Júzcar at Kuriositas. Link -Thanks, RJ!
(Image credit: Flickr user manuelfloresv)
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They should have filmed at Chefchaouen, an already blue town
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I think it looks pretty and if there's been such a huge increase in tourism and they can support it - then why not. The only thing that I'm not so sure of is that I read elsewhere that even tombstones were painted blue - which seems somehow disrespectful.
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How are you to know when the village ends and the sky begins?
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I think it looks terrible, especially the way it clashes with the color of the roofs and bricks.
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The people who live there probably see blue when they close their eyes at night.
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