12 Sci-fi Film Locations You Can Actually Visit

Of course you want to visit Pandora! We all do! But since it's a fictional planet, maybe the next best thing would be to visit the location where Avatar was filmed. You can do that, because it was in the Keahua Arboretum in Hawaii. The arboretum is chock-full of lush and exotic plant life, just like Pandora -without the Na'vi or the man-eating monsters. Find out eleven more locations where your favorite sci-fi movies were shot at TravelSupermarket. http://www.travelsupermarket.com/blog/12-sci-fi-film-locations-you-can-actually-visit/ -Thanks, Danny!

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"Sorry, we can't find that page..."

Google Cache: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?oe=utf-8&client=mozilla&hl=en&q=cache:k5MkkmmIWOYJ:http://www.travelsupermarket.com/blog/12-sci-fi-film-locations-you-can-actually-visit/+http%3A//www.travelsupermarket.com/blog/12-sci-fi-film-locations-you-can-actually-visit/&ct=clnk but no images.
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I'm sorry but this entry is incorrect about Avatar. The movie was NOT filmed, its 100% CG for the outdoors, there's not a single particle of soil or leaf that is real. Human performances and motion captures was done at Weta, in Wellington, New Zealand. Pandora was inspired by a mix of many locations around the world, the shooting in Hawai was just a preproduction test.
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Wow - surprised they left Vasquez Rocks out of that list.
Tons of SciFi, including lots of Trek was filmed there. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasquez_Rocks
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