Concrete Buffer Gone Wild

(YouTube link)

Office workers critique a construction crew trying to corral a runaway concrete buffing machine. This really, really needs some Yakety Sax. -via Buzzfeed

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I thought the commentators were funny, though it's clear they would have been completely useless if they were on the construction site. Calling a power trowel a 'concrete buffer'? Clearly they're pencil heads.
I suspect the real men in the video knew how bad it would hurt if they tried to grab a stuck trowel.
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NOTHING in this world needs more Yackety Sax. If ever there was a played-out piece of music that makes anything less funny, that would be it.

It's just like how every stupid "zany" holiday comedy is promoted with the music of the Russian Dance from the Nutcracker.

The commentary is enough.
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Seen the concept a few times before, usually with a painted warning and stencils of Clinton, Cosby, Gates and Murray but in one case with an even larger collection of Bills, Williams, Billys and Willies. (Hey, if you're going to include Shakespeare, you should also have Shatner. And why leave out Billy Dee Williams and Willie Nelson?) Still, any collection including The Science Guy is good, but Bottom Left Bill has me befuddled too...
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