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Stefan Kanetis's mother loved her life as a dancer, but paid a price for it when she was in her later years. The wear and tear on her body made it difficult for her to get around. Her doctor suggested swimming, but getting in and out of a pool would be very difficult. So Mr. Kanetis invented a pool with a floor that raised and lowered. The end result was this amazing pool that is perfect for your inner James Bond villain.
Link -via Super Punch
Newest 5 Comments
@cljdvm+1 - if you can afford that pool, you can afford a pool boy to clean it up for you!
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What about all the dirt, bird poop, etc. that is on the lid when it submerges?
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Love it..I want one - guess I need a garden first though
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Am I the only one who pictured the kids cannonballing into 12 inches of water? Oops.
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Expensive. Very expensive.
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