Well, they can't* drink espresso but 5-year-old Ellanie and Ethan sure can make a mean espresso!
Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via The Daily What
*Technically, they can but they definitely shouldn't - that sip at the end is gonna cost their parents a good night's sleep for sure!
"Unattended children will be given an espresso and a puppy."
Otherwise... kinda of cute if I knew the kids, but mostly meh.
Steam and a 5 year old,Why not???
-And when you finish your coffee we're gonna shoot some cans in my backyard.
Because anyone who doesn't drink drip Folgers is a hipster. duh!
These days it seems like if anyone involves themselves in creative activities or dresses themselves in cloths that didn't come from the shopping mall, they're labeled as a hipster. It wouldn't be a problem if that name didn't draw so much scorn.
However, if we really really want to get totally hipster on this, we don't know if they pulled *good* shots of espresso. (shots that take too long or too little time to pour. It did look like the shots were streaming out consistently at least which is a good sign.) It can be a pain in the butt to pull a great shot from a manual machine like that. Also, they let the shots sit there forever while they prepared the milk, which is a no no.