If you don't raise chickens, you probably never thought about chicken coop design. It's a rather specialized branch of architecture. But more and more people are raising chickens in their backyard, and designers are ready with modern prefab coops you can buy and set up in no time at all. Web Ecoist has a rundown of chicken coops, including two that are shaped like eggs! A few notable homemade designs are included as well. The model shown moves along the yard slowly by solar power. Link
If you don't raise chickens, you probably never thought about chicken coop design. It's a rather specialized branch of architecture. But more and more people are raising chickens in their backyard, and designers are ready with modern prefab coops you can buy and set up in no time at all. Web Ecoist has a rundown of chicken coops, including two that are shaped like eggs! A few notable homemade designs are included as well. The model shown moves along the yard slowly by solar power. Link
I like that! Although my rabbits were indoor bunnies and thought of the carpet as grass.