Archive for December 9th, 2011

A Christmas Tree For The IT Department

Here's an inspired idea for all of you DIYers with tons of useless RAM sitting around, a Christmas tree made of RAM chips that would make the ultimate geek gift. And really, what else are you going to do with all tha...

Let Rob Liefeld Show You How A Comic Book Is Made

(YouTube Link) Iconic comic book illustrator Rob Liefeld, aka the Man who Never Ages, and celebrated cartoonist Ty Templeton starred in this enlightening episode of the Canadian TV show The Anti Gravity Room...

A Roadkill Cake That Is Too Disgusting To Eat

I normally don't have a problem with blood and guts, but when someone makes a gory mess out of something delicious it tends to kill my appetite. And those who enjoy eating roadkill will probably be disappointed by th...

This Backpack Brings The Booming System With You

I know the latest trend in audio is to put speakers into clothing wherever possible, but this backpack speaker unit, complete with 8-inch woofer, seems like overkill. For one thing, it can't be good for the ears of w...

The Creepy Cute Paintings Of Xue Wang

London based artist Xue Wang has a fantastic, albeit dark, imagination which comes spilling out onto the canvas. Her influences seem to be classic cartoons, Mark Ryden and the surgery channel, with scenarios that see...

The Un-Official Angry Birds Movie Trailer

(YouTube Link) This Angry Birds parody trailer looks like it was made by Guy Ritchie, and really has nothing to do with the video game aside from the whole "pigs snatch their eggs, so the birds get revenge" dynamic. B...

Pendle Witch Cottage Discovered In Lancashire

A 400-year old cottage was discovered by a construction crew near Pendle Hill (in northern England) that is believed to have been the home of one of the Pendle Witches. The eleven women known as the Pendle Witches we...

The Ultimate Hamburger

Nathan Myhrvold, Ph.D. and Microsoft tycoon, is the creator of the comprehensive Modernist Cuisine cookbook. His crack research team set about building the ultimate hamburger. Each component was redesigned f...

Gingerbread Typewriter

Pastry master Patti Paige made this gingerbread typewriter which is completely edible (even the rice paper) but not functional. It's on display at the Parker Meridien Hotel in New York City to benefit the charity Cit...

Dollar Broom

Artist Mark Wagner works extensively with money. You won't be able to launder money with this broom, but you can sweep it around a bit. -via Colossalcurrency, brooms...

Master Parallel Parker

(Video Link) The driver does it on a busy street, unlike the controlled circumstances of the current the Guinness World Record holder. He lightly bumps the car in the rear many times, but I've been told that in some...

The World's Largest Bucket of Chicken

After a Kuwaiti team shockingly established a world record for the largest bucket of chicken in 2009, a team of valiant and patriotic Americans bested them with this 1,645-pound bucket. Our Founding Fathers, like Gen...

Real or Onion?

Can you tell a real news headline from one made up by the satirical website The Onion? It's not as easy as you might think, but that's the challenge of this quiz from mental_floss. You might remember some of these he...

Candy Cane Weapon System of Santa's Defense Forces

Image: Sir EDW/Flickr Protecting Santa is a tough job, so Santa's Defense Forces need heavy-duty weapons like this candy cane small arm that is standard issue on the...

My Neighbor Batman

He is the keeper of the forest, the protector of the innocent, the avenger of the wronged. So turn on the Totoro Signal and summon him. Artist's Website -via Comics Alliance | Image: Michael Petzbatman, my neighbo...

Declawing Cats Banned in Israel

Thinking of declawing your kitty? If you're in Israel, think again as the Israel legislature has unanimously passed a bill that outlawed the declawing of cats. It's now a cri...

Neat Freaks at Holiday Time

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house / Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; / The stockings were hung by the chimney with care ... with ext...

Dodecahedron Chicken Coop

In response to the earlier item on chicken coops, Neatoramanaut NickDanger3dEye let us know about the 12-sided coop he and his son built. I got the basic idea for a plywood dodecahedron from a late 60s Popular Scien...

7 Creepy Abandoned Zoos

All over the world, cities are cutting budgets, and zoos are often high on the hit list. The result is often abandoned facilities that cost too much to tear down. Thanks to urban explorers who are also photographers,...

Embroidered Kanye West Tweets

Amy Sheridan sells lovely but subversive embroidered items in her Etsy shop, including Kanye West Tweets, preserved for all time in framed embroidery. Her entire existing inventory sold quickly, and Sheridan issued a...

Doctor Who Jigsaw Puzzle

Doctor Who Jigsaw Puzzle - $16.95 Attention Doctor Who fans! Do you feel that you are misunderstood by your family? Maybe you need to share your love of all things Doctor who with the 1,000 piece Doctor Who Jigsaw Puz...

Giant Bottle Tree

Lithuanian artist Jolanta Smidtiene designed this 42-foot-tall Christmas tree made of 32,000 plastic beverage bottles. It's displayed in the town square in Kaunas, Lithuania. See more pictures at Laughing Squid. Link...

13 Creative Chicken Coop Designs

If you don't raise chickens, you probably never thought about chicken coop design. It's a rather specialized branch of architecture. But more and more people are raising chickens in their backyard, and designers are...

Release the Hounds!

(YouTube link) They are actually chocolate Labrador retriever puppies, but I couldn't resist using that headline. -via ArbroathCute, puppies...

Rare Leopard Spotted in Afghanistan

Wildlife experts thought leopards were locally extinct in Afghanistan, but this one was captured snarling at a camera trap in September. The camera trap, set by the Wildlife Conservation Society in the Afghan central...

Using Teeth to Castrate Lambs

The Wyoming Department of Health got word of two sheep ranch employees who were infected with Campylobacter jejuni and suffered from abdominal symptoms. Both eventually recovered, although one was hospitalized f...

Over the Rainbow: The Technicolor Life of the Man Who Created Oz

Once upon a time, fairy tales were dark fables designed to scare children into good behavior. This is the story of one American author who thought kids deserved better. In December 1900, L. Frank Baum was a s...

10 Fun Internet Easter Eggs

Did you know that at one point entering the Konami code on ESPN's website would release a flurry of unicorns? Or that you can set your FaceBook language to English (Pirate)? There are more over at BuzzFeed for your E...

Why Settle For A Boring Cubicle?

If you're tired of boring old fabric-covered cubicles, you can always invest a little time and money to convert yours into a gorgeous wooden study. If only they had a how-to guide. Link Via BuzzFeedwork, offices,...

Cat GIFs-The Definitive Collection

GIFs of cats, much like their cousins the LOLCats, have taken the interwebs by storm with their furry animated antics, and if you're a compulsive collector like me, then the massive collection of 50 cat GIFs over at...


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