Is she a trained ninja? We don't know, but she certainly has the abilities of one. The people of Cass County, Nebraska live in terror of this escaped cow:
And they will stop at nothing -- nothing -- to capture the cow. Even taking her child hostage:
But she did not. Oh, not yet, at least. I suspect this was a catastrophic mistake by the humans. -via Say Uncle | Photo: Omaha World-Herald
Residents compared the cow to a ninja because — like the legendary Japanese warriors — it would suddenly appear and then disappear. It would even show up late at night on Main Street, startling tavern denizens and leaving lots of cow pies behind.
And they will stop at nothing -- nothing -- to capture the cow. Even taking her child hostage:
John and Jessica Vallery of the W.J. Cattle Co. just south of Plattsmouth tracked the approximately 1,500-pound cow through the snow and found her calf nearby. The Vallerys captured the calf and placed it in a pen, hoping its mother would walk in of her own accord.
But she did not. Oh, not yet, at least. I suspect this was a catastrophic mistake by the humans. -via Say Uncle | Photo: Omaha World-Herald
Ninja cows don't get caught unless they want to.