Biotic games look just like old school video games, only instead of pixels, they are made out of living organisms (paramecia) ... which you control by zapping them with electricity. For example, in the game Enlightenment you guide a bunch of shrimps across a small box in order to light up all the squares:
What you're watching is a fluid chamber charged up with an electrical field -- a charge that the player can shift from positive to negative by pressing the buttons in a small NES-like controller. The tiny paramecia inside the chamber react to the electricity by fleeing in the direction that you command them to. The chamber is also hooked to a small webcam that transmits the images to a computer in real time, instantly transforming them into video game screens for our perverse amusement.
That one won't be available soon at your local game store. See the rest of seven strange game innovations at Cracked. Link -via Unreality