If you've ever thought to yourself "Man, I would love to try my hand at painting, but paint is way too expensive" then guess what-your body is full of a fluid that works just as well but will cost you nothing!
I'm talking about blood, and although it may seem strange to paint with the stuff, it is definitely one of the less disgusting bodily fluids artists have decided to use in their works. Artist Vinicius Quesada knows the value of a pint of vital fluid, and you can see more of his sanguis works at the link below.
That said, while I don't "get" all of the art showcased, I did enjoy the juxtaposition of using blood for man-made industrial objects.
Also, while I certainly can't speak for this artist's motivations, I can say that based on what I've seen, most artists could care less about what is considered daring and groundbreaking through the eyes of the world.