Skiing on Rocks

No snow? No problem for these hardcore skiers. They simply ski on rocks:

The warmest weather in half a century means that many European ski resorts are without snow later in the year than any time in recent memory. Some, dedicated skiers are turning to rocks to get their fix.

In Europe, there's a shortage of snow this winter.

That's meant people in Austria have had to come up with another way to get in their skiing fix. They turned to rocks.

"At the moment we're having problems because it's too cold to make artificial snow and real snow hasn't started falling yet," said one Austrian skiier, who'd just come down a rock quarry.

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today is December 4th - which last time I checked is actually the end of autumn, not winter. So, the whole "shortage of snow this winter" thing seems a bit disingenuous. I live in Czech Republic (near Austria!) and we had a colder then normal summer and seems like an average fall weather wise -- where are the stats for the "warmest weather in half a century"? But aside from all that -- skiing on rocks - pretty cool (no pun intended)
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Some of my fellow hikers on Kilimanjaro did this but without skis. Looked like tons of fun but I kept expecting them to wipe out and end up a bloody pulp. No one did. Wish my brain hadn't been so oxygen deprived so I could have joined in on the fun.

With proper precautions it seems like a way to get fun out of a mountain during the non winter months.
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