House of the Rising Sun

(YouTube link)

From YouTube member bd594, the same geek who brought us "Bohemian Rhapsody" by The Gadget Orchestra a couple of years ago, we now have the classic "House of the Rising Sun" played by various vintage electronic gadgets. The instruments:

a. HP Scanjet 3P, Adaptec SCSI card and a computer powered by Ubuntu v9.10 OS as the Vocals. (hey, the scanner is old) b. Atari 800XL with an EiCO Oscilloscope as the Organ c. Texas instrument Ti-99/4A with a Tektronix Oscilloscope as the Guitar d. Hard-drive powered by a PiC16F84A microcontroller as the bass drum and cymbal

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You know that song is a lot older than the Animals. Nobody really knows who wrote it, but it was originally supposed to be sung from the perspective of a female. I think it's older than the civil war.
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