Archive for December 2nd, 2011

House of the Rising Sun

(YouTube link)From YouTube member bd594, the same geek who brought us "Bohemian Rhapsody" by The Gadget Orchestra a couple of years ago, we now have the classic "House of the Rising Sun" played by various vin...

Classic Comic Book Covers Animated

Tony Stark's life spun out of the control in the classic nine-issue Iron Man series "Demon in a Bottle." It's all the more striking with this cover image animated by cartoonist Kerry Callen. You can see three o...

Modern Santas Advise Children To Have Modest Expectations

The world's oldest and most famous school for Santa Clauses has modified its curriculum to adapt to the times.  In addition to teaching the Santas how to network using social media, they suggest advising children not to...

The Tree Line

Zander Olsen walked through the countryside of Wales, Surrey, and Hampshire and wrapped fabric around trees. He arranged the heights just right so that when they were photographed from a certain angle, they traced th...

Extra Crunchy Bread

From what I've been able to piece together from a commenter at 9GAG and a few travel books, there's a bar called The Real McCoy in the Barrikadnaya neighborhood of Moscow that sells vodka bottle loaves like this. It...

Shark Song

(vimeo link) The heartwarming tale of a shark with a peculiar talent! Caleb Hepler won first place in an editing competition for this remix of Jaws. -Thanks, Jessica Dunn! jaws...

The Gene for Short Sleepers

Scientists discovered that people who need only a few hours of sleep each night before waking up refreshed and full of energy (no coffee required!) owe this ability to a single gene:...

New School Policy Forbids Teachers From Failing Students Caught Cheating

Caught cheating? In my days, that's an automatic fail. But not anymore, at least not in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada! Teachers there are forbidden to fail a student caught...

Manifesto for Life

The Holstee Manifesto by Dave Radparvar, Mike Radparvar & Fabian Pfortmüller. Typography by Rachael Beresh. Manifestos aren't just for political...

Profiles in Scourges: Pablo Escobar

You know the name, but you probably don't really know much about drug lord Pablo Escobar. Now you can read the short version of how he clawed his way up the ladder in the cocaine business. The profits were astronomical...

Hungary Outlaws Homelessness

With 10,000 people homeless in Budapest alone, Hungary has figured out how to solve the problem: make homelessness illegal. According to an amendment to the local government act, passed by a strong majority in parliamen...

The History of Calorimetry

(YouTube link) Calorimetry, a word I never heard before today, is the science of measuring heat changes. GE Life Sciences explains calorimetry in this video, which is actually an ad for some hi-tech laboratory equip...

Why We Go Online

A new study from the Pew Research Center confirms what seem fairly obvious to most of us: people go on line for no reason at all. That should explain all those kitten videos. The report finds that the amount of time...

Gingerbread Ewok Village

Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, on the planet Endor, under the forest canopy, lies a village made of chocolate, breakfast cereal, and gingerbread! And don't look now, but there's a Death Star lurking above...

Why the ‘Native’ Fashion Trend Is Pissing Off Real Native Americans

Popular fashion trends come and go in cycles, and once again we are seeing a trend of the "Native American look" in clothing, home furnishings, jewelry, and bedding. Some companies are running into legal trouble over the...

Fear of Flying

(YouTube link) The Brothers McLeod have a series of videos called The Existential Pleading of the Inner Heart. This installment, Fear of Flying, continues the musings on everyday anxiety with a particular focus on f...

Inflatable Christmas Decorations

Are you big on holiday spirit, but short on time? Inflatable Christmas Decorations from the NeatoShop can help. Below is a simple step by step guide to creating instant cheer. Step one. Decorate your...

Modern Problems

Art Conservator Gwynne Ryan Dead sharks? Edible statues? Contemporary artists rely on exotic materials to push the boundaries of art. And they're using a new breed of conservators to fix things when they go bad.*/...

Some Of The Sketchiest Lawyer Billboards I've Ever Seen

As an attorney trying to use a billboard to attract new clients, it's probably best to show the client why they should hire you, not how incompetent, insane or downright creepy you are. These guys and gals aim to sho...

Mall Santa's Rappelling Mishap

(YouTube Link) This is why a guy in a fat suit and fake beard shouldn't try rappelling from one level of a mall to the next, especially if kids are watching. I hope that mall gives out gift cards that repair shattered...

Uncomfortable Moments With A Russian Version Of TMNT

Apparently when Russia got a hold of our beloved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles they decided to go nuts and cross them over with everything from the Predator to Disney cartoons to Batman. WTF Russia? I thought the C...

Turn Your Hybrid Car Into High Fashion Art

Lexus claims that their new CT Hybrid is 90% recyclable, and they aim to prove it by having designers create fashion art pieces out of various car parts for "The Lexus Fashion Workshop". The pieces will be shown i...

Shopping Prank

(Video link) Two guys write weird and funny shopping lists for each other and then goes into a store to try to get those items, without having any idea what's actually on the list. via Redditshopping...

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