Some Of The Best Worst Album Covers Ever

Tastes change from decade to decade, but I can't imagine that the album covers in this gallery were ever considered to be very cool. These are the album covers your Polka loving uncle might have owned in the 1970s, with covers cheesy lovable enough to overshadow whatever terrible music is pressed onto the record.


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I remember 'Orion'! He lived here in Selma, AL. His real name was Jerry.

Sadly, he (and his wife) were killed by robbers at the store he owned and ran for years back in 1998. He was only 53.

I remember my Mom liked him because she was a big Elvis fan. I imagine it's kind of like all of the Nirvana imitation bands that came out in the mid-90's to fill the Kurt Cobain gap.

Somewhat realated to this, there was another local Elvis impersonator who had a tragic story. He had several wives die within a matter of a few years... I believe it was cancer, a car accident, and a heart attack. I don't think he ever released an album, though, but you can occasionally still find him in local bars singing Elvis karaoke.
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Manowar were quite popular among the metal crowd in Australia (or at least, I liked them). Although I don't remember ever seeing that particular album cover - I'm fairly sure my teenage girly self would have liked it quite a lot thank you very much.
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I think this is a re-run, but it is still mildly amusing. When I DJ'd back in the day, our station had a lot of albums in an "obscurities/rarities" section. I don't remember seeing any of those. The Orleans album may have been in the regular stacks. One oddball cut I'd play was Senator Sam Irvin reciting "Bridge Over Troubled Water", funny stuff. When CD's came out, I missed vinyl with its cool album cover art and liner notes. Also it was fun to discover a backwards message on vinyl. Remember Prince's Purple Rain in clear purple?
Fun times.
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