Crazy FuncoLand Training Videos

(YouTube Link)

Apparently the managers of FuncoLand, the equivalent of Gamestop in the 1990s, are crazy creeps from another dimension that delight in torturing new employees while acting like trailer park royalty. This 2 part training video probably made new hires wonder whether they'd just made a huge mistake, and watching these videos made me nostalgic for the goofiness of the 90s. I miss my Nintendo 64!

--via Joystiq

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Scote, this is for teenagers, not rocket scientists suah as yourself, who would have grasped the concept instantly. It's to drill the message into their brains. Sorry, but I've trained people in their late teens and early 20s, and sometimes repetition is the only way to make sure it hits home at least once. Or maybe text it to them, or put it on Facebook.
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If anything the video is lame for taking so long to teach so little. I can forgive the bad acting and terrible effects, but not the poor instruction--well, that and yet another stupid corporate sales acronym... What an incredible waste of time... :p
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