When Politics Meet Comic Books

I know we tend to overlook politics here at Neatorama, but when they are so well combined with comic book art, it's hard to ignore. Whether or not you agree with what they say, it's easy to enjoy the art itself.

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Please do continue to ignore the politics, not all of us are interested. I can't stand to look at BB any more because it just seems to rant constantly... Yawn.
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Why don't you just stop putting anything on here that is political? I've never understood the apparently insatiable desire people have to inject politics into everything. Post neat stuff, and don't post things with political content. The world is full of fascinating things that have nothing to do with politics.
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Alex tends to post subtle political references on here, but whether he realizes it or not I don't know. The problem with political discussion on a non-political website is that you get a lot of people saying inaccurate statements and blunt fallacies - like generalizing the Tea Party and OWS members as old or young white males.
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Since when has Neatorama ignored politics? Or by "ignore" do you mean "try to subtly slant and hope the fools don't notice"?

Don't insult your reader's intelligence by claiming that this site ignores politics. You're either lying or absolutely clueless. Pick one; there is no third option to this.
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@Rowan Duffy

What nonsense is this? It's very easy to choose neat stories that aren't political. This site does it every day. They also cram some stupid political stories in here from time to time. This one is a perfect example - politically charged, with the weak disclaimer "Whether or not you agree with what they say, it’s easy to enjoy the art itself." If you want to post comic book art, there are millions of pages of art that aren't blatant political propaganda. Many of those pages have objectively better art, too. This was just a contributor who wanted to post a political message she agreed with.
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"I know we tend to overlook politics here at Neatorama..."

Golly gosh gee whiz Wally. You don't say.

The he|| you do. But okay, fine, whatever you say. But when you're not too busy 'overlooking politics' (which is a blatant lie... go figure) it is -always- in a strictly Liberal partisan way. There's nothing 'subtle' about it either. You zero in on the 'GOP' as targets, exclusively. Never a gaffe by President Barack Hussein Obama or other Democrats, nor a comical look at -both sides- of the spectrum, shall be posted at Neatorama. I guess you're just too darn 'neato' for that.
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Jill, that's a sweeping generalization.

I'm not even involved in your political system, but I can see the subtle pro-liberal bias. back when Sarah Palin was the liberal punching bag, you'd see articles making fun of her like gangbusters here.

I think you tend to draw from a more liberal base for the articles, but I have seen some from the other end of the spectrum, too.

And I thought the young guy in this comic was black. Kinda brings out the whole "white people are rich, black people are poor" stereotype.
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Add me to the list of people that do see regular and liberal political content and would like to see it stop. Maybe that's "neat" on a political or liberal blog but it's a bit jarring here and I dislike it. I'd dislike it even if I agreed with it I suppose, but since I've never read a liberal bashing post here I can't really say. Not looking for equal air time, I'm just hoping the political content stops.
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