The World's Only Twin Jet Engine Motorcycle

In a lovely design juxtaposition, this custom motorcycle features a pair of jet engines mounted to a frame modeled after a 1929 Harley-Davidson design. It can reach 200 MPH, and in truly Harley fashion, does so loudly. This bike, which the owner claims is the only one in the world powered with two jet engines, is currently for sale on eBay.

Link -via Born Rich

Hmmmm? Firstly isn't the Ballistic Eagle a twin jet bike? I'm sure there are probably others. Secondly (and more importantly) where is the evidence that this thing has done 200mph? The seller doesn't even present any evidence that the thing runs at all.
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@ Jolly, actually the Ballistic Eagle only has a single jet engine with two nozzeles/exhausts, that is just like the harrier it is technically a single engine bike...

However i do not see any merits in bolting an arbirary number of model jet engines to a motor bike...

Having in mind that there is a 24 engine motorbike ...
there is no surprise in packing a nubmer of jets on a conventional motorbike...

However i would really appreciate to hear the sound of this very special bike produces...
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