Can a Catholic university that's so Catholic that it's actually called Catholic University of America, be too Catholic?
That's what law professor John Banzhaf thought and he's filing a human rights complaint against the school:
A lawyer has filed a human-rights complaint against Catholic University, on the grounds that the prevalence of Catholic imagery there violates the rights of Muslim students. Catholic University admits students of all faiths, but attorney John Banzhaf says there is almost nowhere on campus where Muslims can "pray without having to stare up and be looked down upon by a cross of Jesus."
But it seems to me that these religious institutions are merely scrambling to make themselves more legitimate by pretending to be open minded. I very much doubt that they really mean it and I very much doubt that it is ever really going to work. And as far as I'm concerned I don't even really see the need for this sort of absurd political correctness either. If I go to a vegetarian restaurant I don't expect there to be meat on the menu. I do expect them to allow other restaurants that do serve meat and not throw Molotov cocktails through their windows, that's another story.
And why is this lawyer meddling with this, shouldn't he leave it up to the Muslims to complain if they so desire? (Not that they should imo as should be clear.)
All very weird, but hey, it's religion, what did you expect?
I like how he phrases "looked down upon" there. My understanding is that Jesus is considered a prophet by many Muslims, so that's not necessarily a bad thing, is it?
According to Karen Armstrong, Comparative Theologian and Author of History of God, Islam is Christianity for Persians.
Maybe not, but tell that to the Israelis. Not to start a fight between religions here, just noting that they do not tend to get along well in many parts of the world.
Can't we live all together?
Hehe, yes Ted, Jesus was a very busy model in his day. "So I just stand here, look holy and as Caucasian as possible? Got it."
And maybe I'm being racist/intolerant/whatever here, but if a Catholic student enrolled in a Muslim university and insisted they stop calling the Adhaan because hearing it offended his religious sensibilities, I doubt he'd be indulged to quite this degree.
Use the Internet for reasearch? Are you mad?
The Israelis already know that, I'm sure. It's hardly a hot topic of conversation.
Shoot 'em.