Wacky New Boy Scout Ads

The Boy Scouts Of America are looking to recruit the future Ron Swanson's of the world, but you don't need a beard to join, you just need the desire to "be one with the wild" (their campaign slogan). Only time will tell whether their ads, featuring kids with epic beards, will increase their numbers or scare the wits out of potential recruits!


You also need to not be gay or an atheist. I'm still trying to figure out how they still get government money, are a non-profit, and Eagle Scouts can receive an advanced rank in the Army when they don't allow the same for the KKK or any other discriminatory group.
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Unfortunately, my son will not be joining Boy Scouts as they are bigoted towards Atheists and will not let Atheist children join their organization.

Anyone have ideas for other international organizations that accept everyone and don't base their creed on belief in the supernatural?
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In my experience, the individual Scout troops are all different. The troop leaders determine how it's run. You'll always get a few nutters who try to turn it into an evangelical organization, but that's not to say the whole lot of them are crazy. Hell, the Civil Air Patrol in the town where I grew up was more a revival than anything to do with airplanes.

If your local Scout troops are on the Jesus Wagon, you might try 4-H clubs at the high school level for an alternative. In my opinion, that's far more valuable anyway. Scouts bored the crap out of me, and it didn't give me any advantage in the military. I learned more about survival and outdoor skills in boot camp and infantry training school than I ever did in the Scouts.
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