Archive for November 4th, 2011

Extremely Realistic Hand-Drawn Portraits

These amazingly realistic portraits were rendered in chalk and graphite by Scottish artist Paul Cadden. Apparently, he specializes in faces with lots of wrinkles personality. Shades of gray never looked so good! h...

Prisoner Makes Final Fantasy Weapons Out Of Matchsticks

A prisoner/geek in Wales had his secret stash of matchstick weapons, including the Buster Sword and Squall's Gunblade from the Final Fantasy video game series, confiscated because: "...

Siri Vs. Furby

(YouTube Link) Siri, the virtual voice assistant from the Iphone 4S, gets to the bottom of what Furby is really saying. Furby laughs in Siri's faceplate as she tries to solve the furry little creep's problems. Finally...

Cleaner "Destroys" Work Of Art - By Cleaning It

A cleaner working in a museum in Dortmund, Germany, has "destroyed" a valuable piece of art. Entitled “When It Starts Dripping From The Ceilings” the piece comprised a tower of wooden slats with a plastic bowl at...

Towards Thee I Roll, Thou All-Destroying But Unconquering Whale

(Video Link) Kayakers and a surfer were enjoying a leisurely day off Santa Cruz, California when a humpback whale suddenly surfaced in pursuit of a school of anchovies. Barb Roettger caught this amazing scene on ca...

Tie Sandwich

Next Father's Day, don't get Pop a tie. He's got a closet full of them anyway. Make him a tie sandwich! Adrian Fiorino of Insanewiches invented a tie-shaped steak sandwich. He has an instructional video at the link....

3D LEGO Chalk Drawing

This week, Sarasota, Florida is hosting a festival of outdoor chalk art. Artists are welcome to come on Sunday to exhibit their abilities on a section of pavement. Registration and materials are free. The minifigs...

Lumpy Space Princess Baby Costume

Lumpy Space Princess is, like, this character on the TV show Adventure Time or whatever. Kimmy Bruehl had the right idea by dressing up her daughter Suzanne as the little bundle of soft, floating, sarcastic...

Ukraine's School of Underwater Painting

A group of artists in the Ukraine dive into the water of the Black Sea to compose paintings. With scuba gear, they can stay underwater for up to 40 minutes. During that time, they apply paint to canvases under challe...

Stop-Motion Music Video Made with Jelly Beans

(Video Link) It took a crew of 30 people 1,357 hours to move 288,000 jelly beans and produce this cute animated music video for Kina Grannis's "In Your Arms." The song itself is quite lovely. If her name is familiar...

The Twisted History of Twister

Of course you remember the game Twister. Everyone wanted to play it at parties just to get close to someone of the opposite sex. And win or lose, you ended up looking so ridiculous everyone had to laugh! But how...

Text Message Novels

This literary genre has apparently been developing for a few years, but I've just learned about it today. In 2007, Japanese romance novel writer who goes by the name Yume-Hotaru published one of his stories in short bits...

Tiny Slow Electric Bus

The city of Kiryu, Japan employs the the E-KomiBus, a tiny electric vehicle that carries solar panels to charge the batteries during sunny weather. The E-KomiBus (which, for reasons unknown, bears the nickname “MAYU...

Honey Badger Don’t Care But We Do!

If you've heard someone say "honey badger don't care" and you haven't seen the viral video it comes from, you might be wondering about the origin of the catchphrase. You can see that video at National Geographic News, wi...

Steve Jobs Cakes

These Apple-themed cake pops will be part of the Steve Jobs Inspired Cake Shop, a fundraiser in London next Wednesday for the organization Pancreatic Cancer UK. It's part of series of events called Internet Week Euro...

Screaming Monkey Slingshot

Screaming Monkey Slingshot - $5.95 Has workday stress got you down? Is it time to unleash the flying monkeys? You need the Screaming Monkey Slingshot from the NeatoShop. This hilarious plush monkey screams as he z...


(YouTube link) On October 26th, explosives opened the Condit Dam in Washington State to allow the free flow of the White Salmon River after 98 years. The reservoir took about two hours to drain, shown here in time-l...

Invasive Bugs Eat Invasive Plant

For 50 years, farmers, scientists, and homeowners have looked for a way to get rid of kudzu. The invasive plant native to Japan grows at such an astounding rate that people in the southern U.S. joke about closing their w...

The Power of a Press Release

(YouTube link) Conan O'Brien officiated a same-sex wedding on his TV show last night. Whether that is big news or not, the way the story has been covered shows how much television news depends on someone else to wri...

Your Own Worst Enemy: Getting Over Impostor Syndrome

Have you ever felt like you are in over your head, that you don't have nearly the competence to be doing the job you're doing, and that sooner or later, others will find out you're faking it? Maybe it will help to know t...

How to Sneak a Cobra Past Customs

It's time to unlock your body's full potential. 1. Friends in High Places In 2003, a 28-year-old Swedish man named Johan Adolfsson took a nine-hour flight from Thailand to Australia with e...

Nature Wants To Eat You

So, you know how nature is absolutely terrifying? Finally there's a blog that details all the terrible ways that mother earth wants to destroy you. Filled with terrifying animal pictures and short details of how terr...

Mix & Match Chocolates Idea

Designer Elsa Lambinet created this brilliant idea for chocolate flavoring mix and match sessions. You can put whatever you want in the middle and then put anything in the little center hole and experiment with all t...

Synchronized Kittens

(Video Link) I wonder if they're looking at a laser beam, someone playing ping pong or what. Via BuzzFeedFunny, Cute, videos, animals, kittens...

Chocolate Frog Jell-O Shots

If you love Jell-O and Harry Potter, these might just be the ultimate adult party treat. The recipe sounds delicious, as it includes amaretto, vanilla ice cream, Bailey's and chocolate liquor. If that's not enough fo...

The World's Saddest Horse

Of course, while the stallion may be embarrassed beyond belief, the little girl looks ridiculously happy with her cute outfit and amazing costume.

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