What does it mean? Is it a sign?
But when the scrotal ultrasound of a 45-year-old patient with severe testicular pain and a possible mass revealed the surprising image of a man in distress, urologists at Queen’s University, in Ontario, followed proper scholarly procedure: They submitted it to Urology, the official journal of the International Society of Urology.
“The residents and staff alike were amazed to see the outline of a man’s face staring up out of the image, his mouth agape as if the face seen on the ultrasound scan itself was also experiencing severe epididymo-orchitis,” wrote the authors, G. Gregory Roberts and Naji J. Touma, in an article that appeared in the journal’s September issue. “A brief debate ensued on whether the image could have been a sign from a deity (perhaps ‘Min,’ the Egyptian god of male virility); however, the consensus deemed it a mere coincidental occurrence rather than a divine proclamation.”
Surely there must be some rash conclusion we can jump to!
Link | Photo: Elsevier
Newest 5 Comments
@Ay Nominess, it's possible. But publishing a photoshop job in a scholarly journal could be a career killer unless it was an obvious joke.
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Pareidolia at its best. What's next? Jesus on toast?
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Can You say photo shop!
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I'm laughing too hard at the comments to be creeped out. LOL
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I always believed in you, Testicular Jesus!
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