Actually, the answer is yes. The Girl Scouts has a rule allowing a transgendered child - meaning if the child identifies as a girl and the family treats him (her) as such, then yes, she can join the Girl Scouts.
Deborah Netburn of LA Times Nation Now blog has the story:
What does it take for an anatomical boy to be enough of a girl to join the Girl Scouts?
The question came up recently when 7-year-old Bobby Montoya -- a long-haired, Bratz-loving, biological boy -- asked his mother to sign him up for a Girl Scout troop near his Colorado home.
The troop leader said no. So Bobby's mom, Felisha Archuleta, went to the media -- telling a local television station that her son has loved "girl stuff" since he was 2, and that the troop leader's decision to reject him had left him devastated.
"I said, 'What's the big deal?' and she says, 'It doesn't matter how he looks, he has boy parts; he can't be a Girl Scout,' "Archuleta told Colorado's Channel 9 News.
But in fact, Girl Scouts of Colorado does allow people with boy parts to join its troops, as long as the child is truly transgendered -- meaning the child identifies as a girl, and the family identifies the child as a girl.
"We feel it is important to include all girls, so when a family says, 'This is my daughter and she wants to be a Girl Scout,' we are not going to question that," Rachelle Trujillo, vice president of communications for Girl Scouts of Colorado told The Times.
Link | News report over at Colorado's Channel 9 News
What was that about women being more nurturing? Not PC I know but in this case it seems to be true.
A male to female transgender child is a "girl" not a "boy".
Of course there should be a question. It's just that the answer should be "Yes, you idiot."
When I was in 6th grade in mid 80's, 2-3 little brothers of some of the girl scouts joined our troop. Went on our campouts, did our activities, earned badges. This was mainly because the Girl Scout troop was stable and long standing while the local Boy Scout's presence was more sporatic and could go years between troops forming and dissolving. The our leaders joked if this starts a trend of more boys joining the Girl Scouts, maybe we should change it to "Pal Scouts"
A little editing please...