Ducklings on a Water Slide

(YouTube link)

It must be fun; they keeping climbing up for more! These ducks were recorded at the Cabarrus County Fair in North Carolina. -via Arbroath

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I used to handle baby chicks and ducklings at a country store I worked at. I was in charge of their daily care until they were purchased. Ducklings are by far some of the most scatterbrained fowls you will run across. They will practically run themselves over in order to get to food or water even if they have just previously stuffed themselves silly. This is not a case of ducklings wanting to go for a is the food up there that is bringing them back up to the top over and over again.
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Yup it's all in the feeding bar. However mature ducks definitely do that sort of thing for fun. I can think of a few locations round here where wild ducks will shoot the rapids then go straight back round for another go.
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They always have these, or a variation that has chicks and no water, at the country fairs around here. I have to admit it's kind of mesmerizing watching them go round and round...
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