Archive for October 28th, 2011

Great Pictures From The 2011 Blizzcon

If you missed the 2011 Blizzcon, but are a huge fan of WOW and other Blizzard games, you won't want to miss Geeks Are Sexy's wonderful collection of the greatest costumes from the event. Some of the outfits are serio...

The Anatomy of a Pumpkin

Who knew jack-o-lanterns had such stunning skulls inside. They must be pretty fragile because I never see them while carving my pumpkins. Link Via BuzzFeedhalloween, skulls, pumpkins, pumpkin carving...

50 Breakfasts From Around The World

In America, we love cereal and eggs and bacon, but every other country has their own classic breakfast and while some seem a little strange, others, like this English breakfast look utterly delicious. Learn what 50 o...

14 Sexy Costumes That Shouldn't Exist

BuzzFeed has a great collection of "sexy" costumes that make no sense. I actually think the one above is kind of cute, but it's still idiotic to have a sexy version of Edward Scissorhands. LinkFunny, halloween, co...

10 Adorable Japanese School Buses

School buses in America are so boring, but in Japan, it's a whole different story. InventorSpot has a collection of 10 different buses from the country and I have to say, they are precious. LinkArt, Cute, school,...

Inception Animals

YouTuber MrSexyFoo specializes in a specific type of animal videos: dramatic animals in Inception, set to Zack Hemsey's iconic soundtrack. The ending is as mind-boggling as the film! Hit...

Virtual Costume

Let's state upfront that redditor adriannezy is brilliant. She wanted to participate in Halloween at work, but not wear a costume that got in the way. So she generated a QR code that, when scanned, reveals a pictur...

Steampunk Pumpkin

Thomas Willeford of Brute Force Studios has released a guide on how to make your very own steampunk pumpkin for Halloween: Link [PDF] - via GeekDad pumpkin, steampunk,...

How Woodpeckers Peck Wood without Hurting Themselves

If you routinely and repeatedly bang your head against a wall in the vain hope that doing so will alter reality, then you should know that it's not as safe as when a woodpecker does it. How can these birds hammer away li...

Propane Tank Jack-o'-Lanterns

Before you take a cutting torch to your own propane tank, make sure that it's complete empty of fuel. Or just leave the work up to Scott Krichau, who made this and other jack-o'-lanterns from empty tanks. Link -vi...

Live-Action Pac-Man Game

(Video Link) It is the duty of all parents to teach their children those essential life skills that are passed down from generation to generation. Fine work, Nathan Glemboski. Someday your son will thank you. -vi...

Huge Portrait of Martin Luther King, Jr. Made from 4,242 Rubik's Cubes

It may look like a painting from a distance, but Pete Fecteau's mosaic is actually more than four thousand carefully arranged Rubik's Cubes. His appropriately named "Dream Big" project took a year to complete, but it...

Baby Wookiee Is Adorable and Creepy

Well, the good news is that this isn't one of those dolls that pees. Though "I changed Chewbacca's diaper" would make a great t-shirt, it's probably not a good experience. eBay seller eyelovelucy makes realistic (...

Cloud Shadow of Mt. Rainier

Photo: Nick Lippert Take a look at this: a phenomenal sunrise of Mt. Rainier in Washington state, where the volcano actually casts a sky shadow on the clouds! From Seattle's Komo...

Real Life Imitates The Simpsons: Three-Eyed Fish Caught Near Nuclear Plant

Images: (L) Gentileza Diario Uno/Infobae (R) Simpsons Wiki A group of fishermen in Cordoba caught a mutant fish off a lake near a nuclear power plant that looked like it came...

Hello Kitty Mustache Coin Bag

Hello Kitty Mustache Coin Bag - $16.95 There used to be a time when mustaches were only worn by the manliest of men. Not any more. Mustaches are now sported by the cutest of cats. Behold the adorable Hello Kitty Musta...

Necco Fans Prefer Their Candy Artificially Enhanced

Natural schmnatural! Bring back the yummy goodness of artificial ingredients! You'd think that most people would prefer their favorite food to be made from natural ingredients, but not...

Smashing Pumpkins in Slow Motion

(YouTube link) What could be more Halloweeny than flying pumpkin guts and creepy music? Film by Devin Graham with original music by Stephen Anderson. -via Buzzfeedslomo, pumpkins...

The Wizard, The Power Glove, and Children in Peril

The Wizard was a 1989 movie that was entirely made of product placement, mainly for Ninento's Power Glove. I have never heard of this film that was catnip for kids (it's about video games!), but it sounds like t...

Time Twister

(YouTube link) I haven't spent this much time watching a clock move in ...a long time. Hans Andersson, who gave the Rubik's Cube-solving robot, built this clock called the Time Twister. Time Twister consists of two...

Alternate Alternative Fuel for Robots of the Future

In what seems like the perfect solution to everything (or an episode of What Could Possibly Go Wrong?!), a pair of prototypes hint at a future in which robots eat bugs for fuel. Forget charging batteries or dock...

Adventures in Depression

Allie Brosh is back at Hyperbole and a Half after six months with what is believed to be an explanation for her absence. Her post is an honest and illustrated account of what it's like to experience depression. In th...

Cinderella, Cinderella

If you are interested in the global folk tale we know as Cinderella, and you have a lot of time on your hands this weekend, you might want to check out a mega-post at Metafilter. From the original Chinese version in whic...

Five Minutes

(YouTube link) Relax, the video is only a few seconds long. Five minutes is the subject matter. A reporter covers a building demolition, but failed to synchronize his watch. -via The Daily Whatbuilding demolition, r...

13 Horror Movies and the 'True Stories' They're Based On

Some of the most over-the-top horror films are based on real-life stories, though you wouldn't know it to watch them. For example, the story in The Exorcist was based on the exorcism of a 12-year-old boy named Robbie Man...

The Grand Wizards of Elementary School

How the KKK helped get children out of the factories and into the classroom. Members of the Ku Klux Klan liked to think of themselves as white knights. And when it came to compulsory education for schoolchild...

World War II Evacuee Costume

In October, internet users always look for the strangest, most inexplicable Halloween costumes to post. Here's one that illustrates how little Americans and the British understand each other, despite the supposedly commo...

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