Pit Bull Saves Woman Dying of Aneurysm

Pit bulls have a bad reputation, but many of them are actually wonderful, loving family dogs. In fact, this particular dog actually saved his owner who was having a brain aneurysm by alerting her husband to her problem in time for her to be rescued.

Video after the jump:

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Via BuzzFeed

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I don't doubt that there are lovely pitbulls, and I know some nasty labradors (as a comparison breed) but you rarely have a labrador savaging someone to death. Sure, the problem has a lot to do with the training, but even a badly trained labarador is unlikely to go so far as to kill a child. It may snap and bite, but not continue on to kill. Breeds like pitbulls were bred for fighting, and the instincts and aggression are thus bred into them for that purpose. As Leah Hokmah said, why would you own a pitbull unless you wanted it for fighting? (And why would you want a dog to fight other dogs? That's a whole new discussion.) If you want a family dog, get one that has the traits best suited to that. You wouldn't buy a formula one car to be your family car, even though it *could* do the job.
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Last summer I arrived home to hear a kid screaming from a block away, and ran to find out why. It was a 10 year old whose parents were not home - he had climbed into the yard of the pit bull next door. The dog had attacked him, laying open his calf almost to the bone. I've never seen such a thing in my life.

I arrived after another boy had rescued him by pulling the dog off him. It would have killed him otherwise. I've never seen anything like it. It was horrifying.

I don't know why *anyone* would want to own a pit bull.

Not kidding.
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Then there's this one, who was just trying to even up the score:
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He's right Alex, fighting dogs are usually put down the second they show aggression towards a person instead of another dog.
Also, if it had a ton of scars and was really sweet, it may have been a bait dog -the ones used to rile up the fighters. Generally, those dogs are the nicest, but also the most seriously abused.
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