Archive for October 25th, 2011

Pit Bull Saves Woman Dying of Aneurysm

Pit bulls have a bad reputation, but many of them are actually wonderful, loving family dogs. In fact, this particular dog actually saved his owner who was having a brain aneurysm by alerting her husband to her problem i...

The House With A Halloween Light Show

(YouTube Link) This house better stock up on Halloween candy, because they're guaranteed to have a flood of trick or treaters this year! The brilliant light show changes with the music, and animated pumpkin faces sing...

How Were You Born?

There are plenty of musicians who claim they were born to do something, if you have a hard time remembering who was born to do what, then this street flyer by Natalie Hayter might help. Of course, it can also be used...

Care Bears In Real Life

There's something about these Care Bears that's not quite right. Maybe it's the massive fangs, or sharp claws, or the fact that the symbol on the bear's stomach seems to be running. Something tells me these bears don...

Pumpkins Inspired By Classic Books & Writers

We've featured a bunch of pumpkin carvings for Halloween so far, but Flavorwire's literary collection definitely has some of the most highbrow jack-o-lantern designs we've seen so far. LinkArt, halloween, books, l...

Big Cats Love Pizza

(Video Link) Who knew big cats were so into pizza?...Or at least the residual smell of it left on the boxes. Via I Can Has Cheezburgercats, pizza, videos, animals, lions, tigers, big cats...

The World's Largest Pumpkin Carving

If you're going to let someone make the world's largest pumpkin carving, you might as well make sure he's an amazing artist. That's why it's so great that Artist Ray Villafane was given the honor of carving the record br...

Daylight Saving Time Explained

(YouTube link)C.G.P. Grey explains how Daylight Saving Time works -and doesn't. It seems like an awful lot of hassle twice a year for a tiny payoff. In the U.S, DST ends on November 6th. -via I Am BoredDST,...

The One Question Americans Always Ask Strangers

What do you say to make conversations with strangers? Columnist LZ Granderson writes about the one question that only Americans ask first when they meet someone new (and it's...

Linguists Crack Mysterious 300-Year Old Coded Manuscript

The Copiale Cipher is a 105-page handwritten document that was composed sometime in the late Eighteenth Century. It has 75,000 characters, both symbols and Roman letters. Until recently, it was indecipherable. But now li...

Japan's Ear-Cleaning Parlors

So walk into one of these establishments, lay your head down on the lap of a woman, and let her massage and clean your ears. It's a meticulous process conducted by professionals who are maintaining a long and rich tradit...

Williams Syndrome: The Super-Social Genetic Disorder

To 7-year-old twins Tristan and Tyler Waldner, there are no strangers. The boys have an genetic condition called the Williams syndrome which makes them unusually social. Scien...

Quentin Tarantino's ThunderCats

Andy Hunter hints at it in his poster inspired by one for Reservoir Dogs, but let me say it plainly: Panthro is Mr. Orange. He can't be trusted. Link -via The Uniblog | Artist's Websitethundercats, Quenti...

Lincoln Town Car Convertible Limo Is Ready for Off-Roading

But there's no winch or roll bar. Those used to come standard with the 80s era Lincoln Town Car (the last full size rear-wheel drive V8 sedan made by an American company and therefore, arguably, the last truly Americ...

The $130 Check That Sold the Rights to Superman

In 1938, writers Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster sold the rights to one of their characters -- some guy by the name of Superman. DC wrote them a check for various services, $130 of which was for Superman. Siegel and Shu...

Papercraft Babushka

Three years ago, we featured some of the amazing papercraft works of Yulia Brodskaya. Since that time, she's honed her craft to an astonishing degree. This image is, believe it or not, just strips of paper attached t...

Removing Technology from Schools to Improve Education

Hot on the heels of India's $35 tablet designed to promote education within the country, and the annual new computer purchases for hundreds of public schools across the US, The New York Times printed an article that deta...

Study Proved that Gen X Aren't Slackers

Generation X, the much maligned "slackers" born of the baby boomers, turned out not to be angst-ridden lazy bums after all. In fact, according to the Longitudinal Study of Amer...

A Culture, Not a Costume

A group of Ohio University students urges you to be sensitive in your costuming decisions this Halloween. Don't generate cheap laughs at the expense of other cultures, including vampires, My Little Ponies, mimes, and...

Selling Fake Vermont Maple Syrup Will Land You in Prison

Ah, pancakes hot off the griddle, the melted butter ... but if that Vermont maple syrup turns out to be fake, you'd be going to jail. That's Democratic Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy's p...

Kraven Hunts For A Date To The Prom

Kraven is one of the strangest Spider Man villains, so it can't be easy for the man in the furry vest to get a date, especially when he's inexplicably invited to the prom! To read the rest of this wacky Kraven adventure,...

An Office Worker Goes Kong

(YouTube Link) If Donkey Kong wasn't a giant gorilla, but rather a lowly office worker whose promotion was given to a moustachioed employee named Mario, then the situation would probably play out just as it does in th...

Gone in 6 Minutes

Well, you may have seen "Gone in 60 Seconds" and thought that you could steal a car in under a minute but that actually takes skillz. So what's an enterprising car thief to do...

Mr. Potato Head Captain Kirk and Klingon Kor

Mr. Potato Head Captain Kirk and Klingon Kor - $34.95 Did you know that Mr. Potato Head is a Trekkie? Well he is! Check out the Mr. Potato Head Captain Kirk and Klingon Kor set from the NeatoShop. This amazing set inc...

Dumb and Dumber, Kingpin, or There’s Something About Mary?

It's time for another movie quote quiz from mental_floss! In today's Lunchtime Quiz, you are challenged to sort your Farrelly Brothers films. You'll be given quotes, and you try to recall if each is from Dumb and...

Traffic Interference

(YouTube link) What's black and white and red all over? Somewhere in Russia, there is a traffic light that comes with a bonus. -via The Daily What Cat, traffic light...


Our friends at Oddee are putting together a book of photobombs -pictures in which someone or something intrudes to make the photo much funnier than intended. Do you have a great photobomb? They're looking fo...


(YouTube link) The conundrum is: you you want to look cool, or avoid being haunted by your dead friend for the rest of your life? This anti-drunk driving ad is from New Zealand. -via redditNew Zealand, psa, Maori, d...

Confused Grasshopper

What is this grasshopper confused about? Buzzfeed asked its readers for captions. What words would you put in his mouth? Linkcaption, grasshopper...

Modern-day 'Robinson Crusoe' Saved in White Sea

(YouTube link) Sergei Ganyushev, a 25-year-old from Arkhangelsk, Russia, was stranded on an island in the White Sea only 150 kilometers from the Arctic Circle for 16 days. He set out along on October first to gather...


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