When Slipper Sizing Goes Wrong

We all know just how important decimal points are, but just in case you need a reminder, just check out this guy's custom made slipper.

Because his feet are slightly uneven, Tom Boddingham ordered them from a custom slipper making company. Unfortunately, the workers filling the order mistook the size 14.50 slipper for an order for a size 1450. That's right, it's 100 times the size he ordered, making it big enough for him to sit in.

On the upside, the company fixed the error and now Mr. Boddingham has a nice pair of slippers and an awesome new chair. Tom says he's hoping to sell it on eBay, where he will probably make a hefty profit. After all, it's not every day that someone finds a bear-foot slipper the size of an actual bear.

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