YouTube Insult Generator

Shakespeare Schmakespeare. The YouTube Insult Generator, the brainchild of Adrian Holovaty, farts in the the general direction of the Shakespeare Insult Kit (sorry, John!)

Wired explains:

The simple tool, created by EveryBlock founder Adrian Holovaty, is a search engine that takes a term, then uses the YouTube API to find videos relevant to that term and grabs the latest 50 comments. From those 50 search results, the generator finds the ones that start with a number followed by terms such as “people,” “nincompoops” or “youtubers” (key aspects of quality comments), then replaces the number and the word “people” with the word “you.”

So far, Holovaty’s act of “poor man’s data mining,” which he said took about 45 minutes to build, only finds comments about 50 percent of the time. But some of its findings are pretty good (try “Tom Cruise,” “Michael Jackson” or even “Wired” — the results are amusing, but a little too blue to republish here).

The results for "Neatorama" insults are oddly amusing. Apparently, we are peace-, peanut butter jelly-, and penguin-hating vegetarians and tooth-fairy non-believers who fell off our unicycle and broke our bagpipes and jumped whenever a toy Xylophone is played. Oh, and we bred a pitty with a cat (huh?) and didn't get chicks. LOL!

What insults did the YouTube Insult Generator create for you?

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