The Proof is in the Pudding

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Flula Borg is German buts lives in Los Angeles and finds that English idioms make no sense. If you are at work, be warned that the audio has the word "bastard." Continue to see more of Flula's videos. -via The Daily What

Rock, Paper, Scissors

(YouTube link)

Shooting Fish in a Barrel

(YouTube link)

You can follow Flula on his YouTube channel or at his blog.

Language is about communication. If you won't accept English on its own terms, go home to Germany, where people will be happy to tell you what you may or may not say.
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As for "The proof is in the pudding" - that's a greatly shortened version of "The proof of a pudding is in the eating/tasting". Where "proof" is used in the old sense of "test" (as in "proving ground" as a test area).

So there.
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Reminds me of some German idioms that appeared senseless when I first encountered them:

Jetzt wird in die Haende gespueckt / Now we spit into our hands (To prepare for doing work)

Indem ich den Globus dreh und mit dem Finger drauf zeige / Rotating the Globe with a Finger on it (To plan a vacation)
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Since when did anybody say "the proof is in the pudding"?

The saying is, and always has been, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating". Just so long as you understand that the word proof can mean "test" as well as "demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt" then that's fine.

The proof is in the pudding is, however, total nonsense.
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Schadenfreude is all I can say! Oh and no, not true. good ink, in a good pen, on good paper...would survive quit well in any sort of pudding. No such smooge would occur. Get your ducks in a row. before you go off all half cocked, pulling things outa thin air that you think are true? Angsty bunch that lot!
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Ok, I live in Oz and know the saying as "the proof is in the pudding" however any beslubbering beef-witted barnacle without a fluctuating IQ usually knows the full saying ie the eating.

A long time ago I spent about 6 months in the USA with my German girlfriend, who spoke perfect Oxford English, and she always asking me to 'translate' from USA to English. A lot of the time I had no idea because of the accents (we did a road trip on the B-roads) or sayings I had never heard. She gave up asking once we both realised that she was often being asked to translate what I had just said.

Me? I am Australian.

ps: that guy is bunging it on and the hamminess, to me, makes it unfunny but to everybody has a different chicken.
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OK Miss Cellania then this just proves that English is not the global language people assume it to be. In all my 45 years I've never heard anybody say "the proof is in the pudding". It must depend upon where you live.
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@Larfin Jackarse - that was the point of my last post entirely. There are plenty of supposedly English speaking people in the world, but not all of them speak the same english.

One Americanism that has always puzzled me is the phrase "I could care less". Over here we say "I couldn't care less", meaning of course that we don't care at all. The phrase "I could care less" implies that you do care, it doesn't even imply that you don't care much. It could even mean that you care a lot. However Americans seem to know it to mean that you don't care at all.

As such that's fine, because the purpose of language is to communicate. So as long as one American English speaker says it to another American English speaker the intent of the phrase is understood. Even if they say it to another person for whom English is their first language they will probably understand by inference. However say that to somebody for whom English is a second language and there is bound to be confusion. There are many coloquial English phrases from around the world (including the UK) that only really make sense to people who know what the phrase means, not to those who only know what the words mean.

Conversely I have met many people who speak English as a second language who have tried to literally translate their own coloquialisms into English and found that they make little or no sense. Every language has these phrases.

As a speaker of Australian English I'm sure you have several such phrases. But then you blokes can't even agree on the size of beer glass that goes with a particular name from one territory to the next.
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be warned that the audio has the word “bastard.”
LOOOOOL.....What kind of warning is that?
Is the sky supposed to come down or something?
Ohh noes i heard the word bastard now GOD wont let me in to his eternal that it?
oh my my kid just heard the word bastard, now this is the direct route for him to turn massmurderer!!?
?????? Just wondering?
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