Internet Trolls: The TV Show

(Video Link)

Trolls are, of course, never a problem at Neatorama, for all of our commenters are of a genteel, refined, and learned sort. Also: good looking. But this Saturday Night Live clip does apply to some darker fora on the Internet.

-via Boing Boing

"Use all your well learned politesse [politeness, formal etiquette] or I'll lay your soul to waste [call you a troll]" - Sympathy for the Devil, The Rolling Stones
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Does it count as trolling when you publish a video about trolling that can't be seen if you don't live in the US?

And isn't it ironic...don't you think - Alanis Morissette :-)
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Oh, yes, because Boing Boing knows all about commenting. Don't they? Ummm hmmmm! They know all about them thar comments. Yep. Because they're cool geeky technical liberal free speech people, right?

Some people spell it Boing Boing. I spell it 'hypocrite.'
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@Alessandro Cima
Yes that is my experience. They are very thin skinned and I stopped posting when they stopped anonamoose comments (or I am too stoopid to work out the new system).

ps: I consider myself a green techo bogan and I don't think I could have a beer with them.
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Yes, my experience with them was quite extraordinary. I tried to argue with them but the self-satisfied, closed-mindedness of that site's operators was simply overwhelming. The problem goes far beyond what most people think of it. In fact, it merits some serious research and open press coverage because people keep linking to these frauds and taking them seriously.

It's very easy to run around the web talking about how one must protect the 'civility' of a comments section. But that is most definitely not what Boing Boing is up to. Not by a very long stretch. But it's easy for them to hide behind a mountain of comments in a database. It's not such an easy thing to dig into and expose.

In my opinion, one of the worst phrases on the web is 'via Boing Boing.'

By the way, this entire comment would have been disappeared in seconds by the Boing Boing outfit.
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