This beautiful My Little Pony poodle was spotted over at the British Dog Creative Stylist of the Year competition. For more delightfully goofy pictures of posh pups, check out the link and enjoy The Telegraph's slideshow...
What you are looking at here is a cross-section of a blade of marram grass, which is used to stabilize coastal dunes. Fluorescent dye has been added to highlight the internal structures. Those internal structures loo...
Yeah, I'd almost gotten over them until I unthinkingly used the hand sanitizer. This Twaggie was illustrated from a Tweet by @rodney_at_large. Purell is not to be trifled with! LinkTwitter, tweet, Twaggies, sanitizer...
(Video Link)
First it was kittens, and now it's turtles! All of the animals are getting into the action -- which is making trips to the vet difficult, I can tell you. It's not the lightsabers that I mind so much as...