The 10 Worst Comic to Screen Adaptations

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Eventually, I'm going to get around to seeing the new Green Lantern movie. Yes, I've heard that it's terrible, and I never had any expectations that it would be good. But I was born a DC man and I'll die a DC man, so I'm going to see it. We DC men...well, we have an appreciation for lost causes.

Nerd Bastards has rounded up some of the worst comic book-to-screen adaptations ever. As in so bad that they're amazing in their awfulness. It's hard to believe that this adaption of the Doc Savage story wasn't actually a parody.


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Reading the article, I was starting to get a little upset, 'cause I kinda liked several bits of the projects mentioned.
Then I noticed the ACTUAL title of the article: "The 10 BEST of the Worst Comic to Screen Adaptations," NOT the "10 Worst..."
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Erm ... it WAS a parody. A really good one -- it makes the 60's Batman TV show look like the cheesy cop-out it really was.

For those that haven't seen it, it culminates with a mixed martial art duke out between the bad guy and doc ... one at a time, with subtitles, as in: "Ding! And now, Savate!" And then the Doc operates on his brain to cure him...

Not that knowing this spoils seeing the movie in any way.
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