There was a time when you couldn't make a Hollywood film without some sort of montage that moved the action along, covered the passage of time in a couple of minutes, and featured a song the producers hoped will become a hit for the film soundtrack. Some were re-releases of existing songs; others were first heard in the movie.
Rue The Day has seven such songs, plus a bonus song that's about movie montages. Link
Whether you love or hate seeing montages in movies, there’s no denying that they are an effective story telling tool – even if they were way overused throughout the ’80s. Regardless of how you feel about montages though, it’s hard to deny that they can easily ruin an otherwise good song by creating a scene so memorable that you can’t think of anything else but the movie whenever you listen to the track. Here are a few songs that are impossible to listen to without getting montages stuck in your head.
Rue The Day has seven such songs, plus a bonus song that's about movie montages. Link
Comments (1)
I loved that song, then I saw the video. The entire video was nothing but two people in mummy costumes doing everyday things.
Thus a juvinile joke playing on the "everlasting love" phrase. Ever since the video, all I can think about when I hear that song is those stupid mummys.