Paper Haunted House Silhouettes

With Halloween coming up, you can dec-horror-ate your haunted house with easy, do-it-yourself paper silhouettes! Craft magazine has instructions and PDFs available so you can sketch out the shapes or take them to a print shop.

Link -via Boing Boing

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That's understandable. I enjoy spending time on the home-made stuff as well, but I'm sure many others will make use of the patterns or at least be inspired to make their own, especially since these look pretty good!
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Although, Joanna, I must concede that it's probably difficult to get a cat to pose for a silhouette drawing for more than two seconds.

Not to put this down so much, but I'm really more a fan of the home-made stuff when it comes to Halloween.
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Think about it, Joanna. They're silhouettes. They're not Rembrandts. If you can't draw a silhouette, you have someone lay down on the paper in the pose you want, and trace around their body. It's THAT simple.

Needing instructions seems a little like overkill.
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Consider it a useful template for the artistically disinclined. At least you'll be sure that people aren't asking what that unidentifiable blob is supposed to be. :)
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