Archive for October 1st, 2011

Johnny Cash's To-Do List

The Man in Black wanted to keep organized, so he kept a regular to-do list. Very smart. Also, his choices are smart. But is it really necessary to write down #5? Would he have forgotten otherwise? Link -via Ace of...

Bolshoi Cosmological Simulations

Astronomers have completed the Bolshoi simulations - the aptly named supercomputer simulations of the cosmos (bolshoi means "great" in Russian), and the result is fantastic....

First Ever Tattooed Barbie?

The woman that has everything has finally got inked. The tokidoki Barbie Doll by Simone Legno is the first ever tattooed Barbie to hit the streets ... er, collectors' shelves. Rage of...

Back At The Skywalker Home...

This cartoon, that Geeks Are Sexy rightfully titled "You're A Skywalker, Not A Street Walker," just goes to show how everyone's adolescent years are pretty much the same -even Princesses. Link Via Geeks Are SexyFu...

Recite a Bible Verse and Get 50% Off Your Car's Oil Change: Righteous Bargain or Religious Discrimination?

Would you like to get 50% off your car's oil change? All you have to do at the Kwik Kar Lube & Service in Plano, Texas, is recite a Bible verse. Store owner Charlie Wh...

Baking An Apple Pie With No Apples

Notice anything strange about the apple pie pictured here? If you noticed there were no apples at all, you are right. That because the picture comes from The Awl's recipe for an appleless apple pie that uses chemicals to...

The Inspector Spacetime Website

If you are a fan of community, you may have seen their parody of Doctor Who on an episode a few weeks back. If not, here's a link. So why am I bringing this up now? As it turns out, the internet is even geekier th...

6 Cool and Real Spy Gadgets

It's easy to look at this picture and wonder, "why is this umbrella so special that it is locked in a glass case?" But that's before you learn it was a brilliant Soviet spy weapon: So it was that one day, while Mark...

The Cutest Panda Picture You'll See All Day

Here's a fun riddle: what do you call twelve panda babies cuddling in a crib together? Absolutely adorable, duh. LinkCute, animals, pandas, naps, cribs...

When Giant House-Eating Snails Attack

Photo: Bobbi Zimmerman/AP Forget zombie invasion! There's something scarier attacking Miami, Florida, slowly right now. Reeeeal slow. Behold the invasion of the Giant...

McGill Dances for Cancer Research

(YouTube link) Watch scientists, researchers, and assorted geeks get down! McGill University in Montreal gathered scientists, students, and volunteers to make this dance and lipdub video. Their sponsor, Medicom, is...

The Happiest People ...

Yep. Like Stephen Stills once said, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." Or something along that line. Via Accordion Guy (image: unknown)...

Andy Rooney Out Of Context

(YouTube link) In honor of 92-year-old Andy Rooney's final commentary on the CBS news show 60 Minutes tomorrow night, Holy Taco put together some of his best lines, whether they make any sense or not. -via...

This Week at Neatorama

Every once in a while, to avoid doing something productive, I go snooping around Neatorama's statistics and analytics. I'm no expert on such things, but there's some interesting tidbits buried in the numbers. For instanc...

Two Climbers and Thumb Rescued from El Capitan

Monday, one of two Austrian climbers on El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, California took a fall. He didn't fall to the ground, but his safety rope snapped off his right thumb. The thumb landed on the ledge that the...

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