Archive for September 29th, 2011

Kitty Swims With Its Doggy Friends

Have you ever wondered what happens when a kitty jumps off a boat to go swimming with two dogs, who happen to be its best friends? Flickr user Terrie Olesky-Tyge can answer your question with her adorable collection of p...

Finally, DJ Kitties Can Get In Some Practice

Does your kitty always want to sleep on your turn table? Then perhaps it's time to get them their own Cat Scratch -the kitty scratcher for wannabe DJ kitties. Link Via Laughing SquidFunny, cats, kitties, cat toys,...

How Do Blind People Clean Up After Their Dogs?

Have you ever wondered how someone who can't see can clean up their seeing eye dog's mess? Mental Floss has a great article that answers this burning question: Dogs go into different stances depending on whether they’...

You Could Adopt Sirius Black

Or at least...his dog incarnation from the films. That's right, Berry, the gorgeous black dog that played Sirius Black when he was a dog in the movies, is now up for adoption because his owner doesn't have time to ta...

Should David Tennant Light The Olympic Torch?

Doctor Who fans may remember the David Tennant episode "Fear Her," which involved Mr. Tennant lighting the Olympic torch in the 2012 London games. As it turns out, fans are trying to make this a reality, starting a petit...

Rambo Tribute in a Subway

(Video Link) The genius of many street artists lies in seeing patterns in ordinary objects that other people don't. In a digital display in the Montréal Métro, Robert Hibourassa saw action hero John Rambo. -via...

10 Cities in the Sights of Deadly Volcanoes

Would you live in a city near an active volcano? Many people do, all over the world. Environmental Graffiti shows us ten cities in which the people live side-by-side with the threat of explosions, ash, and lava. Show...

Memory "Quantum" Lasts 125 Milliseconds

Is there a "unit" of memory? Some scientists now think so. Using a method that allowed them to make brain measurements down to the millisecond levels, researchers at the Norw...

Euthanasia Coaster: The Suicide Roller Coaster

The Euthanasia Coaster, designed by London's Royal College of Art's student Julijonas Urbonas, lets you ride the last ride of your life. Literally. The three-minute ride inv...

Surgical Robot Peels a Grape

(Video Link) We've seen the revolutionary Da Vinci Surgical System do amazingly precise movements before, including folding paper airplanes and playing Operation. In this video, surgeons at Southmead Hospital in the...

The X-Men Guide to Puberty

All mutants go through that awkward stage when their mutations begin to affect their bodies. But it's okay! Don't feel bad about it and don't feel like you can't ask questions about what you're experiencing. Professo...

"No, She Lives in a Dark Place Now."

This funny mashup by an unknown cartoonist references the children's TV show Teletubbies and the horror film The Ring. The demonic Samara Morgan emerges from a different sort of television set. L...

This Is A Steam-Propelled Tricycle

The photo was taken in 1888 in front of the Smithsonian Institution's "Castle" on the Mall.  The driver is Lucius D. Copeland, who invented the device (30 mile range, 10 mph).  His passenger is Frances "Fannie" Ben...

Tool-Using Fish Captured on Video

That's one smart fish! An orange-dotted turkfish was captured for the first time on video digging a clam out of the sand, then repeatedly throwing it against a rock to crush it....

Embroidered X-Rays

Philadelphia-based artist Matthew Cox combines x-ray images and embroidery to show a clinical, scientific world below a colorful, artistic surface. Many of his works are portraits of pop culture figures including Sno...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Logo on a Pizza

The blog Foogos displays the work of a brilliant advertising agent who makes logos out of food products, such as this very appropriate TMNT pizza. In the gallery, you can find other food logos, primarily tho...

The Imperial March by Two Floppy Disk Drives

(Video Link) Although the Imperial March from Star Wars has played on a floppy disk drive before, it's never been done this well. A blogger who goes by the name Silent explained how he did it: The sound...

Chariots Discovered in Ancient Chinese Tomb

Photo: Zhang Xiaoli/Xinhua Archaeologists in Luoyang, China, dug up 5 chariots and 12 horse skeletons from a 2,500-year-old tomb. The photos over at National Geographic are fa...

It's a Great Day in South Carolina

That's the greeting that's now mandated to the employees of the state government of South Carolina by its governor Nikki Haley: Haley said the change will boost the morale...

Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt #18

Howdy, Neatoramanauts! It's time for our latest Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt. For those of you who haven't played before, the Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt is an online scavenger game where you...

Dip Your Apple

(YouTube link)The Ein Prat Fountainheads welcome the High Holidays with a joyful adaptation of Shakira’s World Cup song "Waka Waka". The lyrics are at the YouTube link. Dip your apple in the honey!...

Jack Sprat Could See No Rabbit

Jack Sprat is a greyhound who put every ounce of heart he had into racing, clocking 40 miles per hour in training. But when he made his professional debut at Wimbledon last year, he came in last in both of his races. It...

Building a LEGO Vehicle

(YouTube link) To inaugurate the new partnership between LEGOland and Ford, engineers built a Ford Explorer out of LEGO bricks for the theme park in Florida. It probably took them a long time to put the 380,000 bric...

15 Road Signs as Movies

You'll laugh at how well road signs work to illustrate movies we are all familiar with. Unreality magazine has a list of 15 posters that mashup films with common road signs gleaned from the Photoshop masters at Somet...

The Meandering Missisippi

The Mississippi River seems eternal, but it changes over time. How much? You can see in a collection of colorful maps at Visual News. Cartographer Harold N. Fisk produced them in 1944, with different colors to show t...

12 Books That Have (Ironically) Been Banned in the U.S.

September 24th through October 1st is Banned Books Week. In honor of the occasion, here is a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.Talk about an...

Infinite Regression Cosby Sweater

Artist Andrew Salomone hacked a knitting machine and made a sweater featuring an infinite loop of Cosby wearing a sweater featuring Cosby wearing a sweater... Link Via GeekosystemArt, knitting, sweaters, machines,...

The Sheep That Thinks It's A Dog

What happens when you take a baby sheep and raise him with your springer spaniel? He might just think he's a dog, that's what. Jack fetches sticks, walks on a leash and even tries to baaa-rk. Link Via BuzzFeedanim...

The Average Of All Fonts

With so many fonts out there, have you ever wanted to use something that's just "normal?" Designer Mortiz Resl combined almost 1000 fonts on his computer and the average font is what he came up with. This project sh...

Smuggler Caught With Hummingbirds In His Pants

Albino hummingbirds may be pretty rare, but for that matter, seeing someone walking around with shorts filled with hummingbirds isn't an every day sight either. It seems that releasing their birds from their bonds an...


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