Archive for September 28th, 2011

Wildfire by Sebastian Kuntz

Image: i am sebastian/Flickr Sebastian Kuntz created the image above for Sabath Media Design Agency's internal magazine. I suspect a bit of photoshoppery w...

Captain Al Cohol

In 1973, the government of the Northwest Territories, Canada, commissioned a comic book to address alcoholism in the indigenous population. The result was a series featuring "Captain Al Cohol", an alien who crashed o...

Albino Hummingbird

Have you ever seen an albino hummingbird? Fifteen-year-old Marlin Shank took lots of lovely photographs of this rare white ruby-throated hummingbird he saw at a park in Staunton, Virginia. Link to article. Link to ph...

Tree Log as iPhone Docking Station

Psst, hipsters! Are you tired of the sleek and shiny Apple products mocking your need of ironic gadgetry? Well, fight back with this: iTree by kmkg. Yes, that's an iPhone and iPod docking...

The World's Fastest Couch Can Go 101 MPH

(Video Link) On Monday, Glen Suter did something most men only get to dream about: driving a couch faster than anyone else ever has. He set a Guinness World Record by driving a couch equipped with a 1400 cc motorcyc...

Perfectly Positioned

It looks like a pretty but not extraordinary illustration, right? Keep scrolling. It's actually a series of sheets of bullet-proof glass suspended so that they look like a face when viewed from the right angle...


Are CliffsNotes (well, it ws Cliff's Notes when I was in school) still too long for you? Then you need this: RinkWorks' Book-A-Minute website where you can catch up on all th...

Krang Tattoo is Hungry

Krang is a villain in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. He is also hungry. Would you be so kind as to give him a cookie? -via Geekologie | Photo: Unknowntattoos, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

What, This? It's Just a Huge Solar Flare

Don't worry, the Earth isn't that close! It was just inserted into the picture so you could get a sense of the size of this huge solar flare that emerged last Thursday. It was spat out by sunspot AR 1302, which is so...

Muppet Stormtroopers

Since it was Jim Henson's birthday, Mike Lica and Derek Lane-Waters of the 501st Legion (an organization of people who dress as stormtroopers) made these realistic Gonzo and Kermit costumes. I hope that they're just...

The ThunderLOLcats are Memetastic!

(Video Link) Thundera is under attack by stupid Internet memes and the only weapons that can defeat them are even stupider Internet memes. In this video, Cartoon Network's MAD imagines the 80s cartoon T...

Martian Life's Last Stand?

Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech A maze-like system of deep valleys in Mars called Noctis Labyrinthus ("the labyrinth of the night") may just be Martian life's last stand on...

Fossilized Beetles Retain Color

Looking a bit like precious gold, this fossilized beetle is 47 million years old and retains almost the same color it had when it was alive. According to paleontologist Maria McNamara, the fossils are only slightly r...

Thelma & Louise Poster by Kelly Thorn

Kelly Thorn's Rolling Road Show poster of Thelma & Louise is so good it's practically criminal! The stylized road typography contains iconic moments from the movie and re...

Dogs that Surf Competitively

Everyone likes dogs, right? How about surfing? What about surfing dogs? In the most adorable mash-up ever of two seemingly unrelated things people like, a recent competition pitted man's best friend against...

The Fried Food of Sicily

The last time we checked in with Michael Powell and Juergen Horn at For 91 Days, they were preparing to leave Bolivia and move to Palermo, Italy. Of course, part of soaking up a culture is the wonderful food in the diffe...

Celtic Computer Case

Feast your eyes on this lovely hand-carved wooden case mod called Erecura from Espie-Whitburn design. This hand carved computer case is based on the Celtic Goddess Erecura - Goddess of the Earth. Each panel has been...

14 Hours of Free Cab Rides

(watch on MyDamnChannel) Comedian Mark Malkoff offered New Yorkers free cab rides for an entire day, accepting requests via Facebook and Twitter. Mark says, "I hired a cab driver and kept the meter running for fourt...

Monty Python and the Holy Grail in LEGO

Tommy Williamson built the characters ("So-called Arthur king and his silly English knnnnnigits") from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail out of LEGO bricks! They were constructed for a special diorama...

Taxidermy Comes Alive!

The art of taxidermy has seen a resurgence in the past decade, after falling out of favor some fifty years ago. Lisa Hix of Collector's Weekly studied the phenomenon, and talked to quite a few new-wave taxidermists, incl...

Inspiration in Adhesive Tape

(vimeo link) If you read the New York Times story we linked last week, The Secret to Success, you were probably impressed with the graphics that accompanied the story. They were created by Doyle Partners, and now yo...

Exploding Toilet Sends Woman To Hospital

A toilet in the General Services Administration (GSA) Building in Washington, DC, exploded and an unnamed woman was taken to a local hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. A memo was sent to explain the...

Thor Saves Fallen Woman

Colin Heaton and Anne Lewis of Southport, North Carolina, adopted a Pit Bull/Rottweiler mix that had been rescued from a "bad situation." They named him Thor. The dog has since protected chickens from foxes, coyotes, and...

What Is It? game 195

It's time for our collaboration with the always amusing What Is It? Blog. Put on your thinking cap and figure out what the pictured items are -or make up something that will make us laugh! Place your guess in th...

The Origins of 7 Common Superstitions

Halloween is coming up soon and what better time to talk about superstitions than a holiday focused on spirits and symbolism. Whether you’re superstitious or not, discovering the origins of these common beliefs is a fa...

RIP Wilson Greatbatch

Wilson Greatbatch is an awesome name for a man who invented things all his life. Greatbatch is best known as the inventor of the implantable pacemaker, which came about by accident! The story goes that, by mistake, he i...

Schrödinger's Cat

(YouTube link) New Scientist produced a new One-Minute Physics animation to explain the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment in a hurry. As if you could explain "collapsed realities" in one minute. Still,...

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