Boston Dynamics made a music video featuring their BigDog Robotic Mule. You'll see clips of various stages of the robot's development and testing set to the tune of "Let the Big Dog Eat" performed by Alex Taylor. -via Geeks Are Sexy Previously at Neatorama: BigDog in 2006. Still funnier: The BigDog beta version.
Big Dog is cool as hell, but it still creeps me out. The first video I saw of it, when they show it slipping on ice and correcting itself, totally gave me the willys.
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That is terrifying.
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It's a very clever machine. Reminds me of the android creatures in Half-Life, Episode Two.
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Headless PushMe PullYOU!
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Imagine being lost in the woods or something, and that thing wanders past you. BWUH.
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