Archive for September 26th, 2011

Logan's Run Birthday Party

Logan's Run is a dystopia in which people live to the age of thirty, and not a day longer. On Last Day, they attend Carrousel, where they believe they re-enter the cycle of death and reincarnation. Carrous...

Aakash Nihalani's Street Art

Urban artist Aakash Nihalani (previously at Neatorama) sent us a sneak peek at some of his illusory street art featured in a solo exhibit in Delhi, India. Click "more" to see, well, more. htt...

Bacon Font

Henry Hargreaves made a font out of bacon! No, it's not just a bacon font, each letter was constructed from real bacon, as you can see: It was a joint effort: Photography and direction by Henry Hargre...

Man Throws 4,800 Bottles with Messages out to Sea, Gets 3,100 Replies

Harold Hackett of Prince Edward Island, Canada, does what the BBC calls "old-school social networking." Since 1996, he's tossed 4,800 bottles into the sea. The currents have carried some of them to Europe, Africa, th...

Watch Takeru Kobayashi Chug a Gallon of Milk in 18 Seconds

(Video Link) Some people say that competitive eating isn't a sport. Don't say that in front of world hotdog eating champion Takeru Kobayashi. He'll out eat you anytime. Here he is at a conference in New York City sh...

Mathematical Haircut

Nick Sayers demonstrates his knowledge of geometry through a unique haircut: The obtuse angles of each rhombus meet in groups of three, but the acute angles meet in groups of five, six, or seven, depending on the...

Daffy Duck Doesn't Need a Dungeon Master

(Video Link) This clip from the new Looney Tunes Show imagines Daffy Duck as an immensely powerful wizard. Or at least, that's what he thinks. Despite the frame selection above, the video is completely SFW....

Buttered Pancakes Floor Pillows

I love this pillow set design by Todd von Bastiaans and Bryan McCarthy. They really do look like pancakes with pats of butter!

Top 10 Books Lost to Time

A Latin professor once told me that the number of texts that have survived from antiquity to modern times may be likened to a single cup of sand from a beach. But it's not just major works from classical Greece and Rome...

Inflatable Beard

Inflatable Beard - $3.95 Are you having a facial hair emergency? When you absolutely need a beard, but you don't have time to grow one the Inflatable Beard from the NeatoShop is there for you. Transforming yourself in...

QReo: QR Code Made from Oreo Cookies

You've seen 'em before, but QR codes are usually printed out with square bits. So would QR codes work if they're made out of cookies? See for yourself. Behold, the QReo by RedPepper: Li...

Doritos to be Sprinkled Over Creator's Grave

Sad news for snackers: Arch West, creator of Doritos, passed away last week. He was 97. West, of Dallas, Texas,  is credited with creating the iconic snack chip after a family trip to San Diego in 1961. The inventor of...

Minimalist Pictogram Song Posters

We've seen plenty of minimalist movie posters, but this might be the first time we've come across art like this for music. Swedish designer Viktor Hertz, whose honest logos made the rounds a while back, uses simple...

Say Hello to Saturn's Moons

Image: NASA/JPL-CalTech/Space Science Institute Look closely at the photo above and you can pick out 5 of Saturn's 60 natural satellites (Janus, Pandora, Enceladus, Mimas, and Rhea) as...

Can You Explain This Photo?

Images via ggaabboo/Flickr The smiles, the stares, the cigars ... and the epic mustaches. Does anyone care to explain this vintage photograph taken by Knauer Gy. in 1910 Romania?...

All the U.S. State Capitals as Mentioned in Movies

Video Link Why create a mashup of all of the U.S. capitals uttered in various movies? Well, why not? If you don't have the patience to try to name the movies the clips came from yourself, there's a handy guide in the...

The Star That Shouldn't Exist

Astronomers working on the Sload Digital Sky Survey noticed a star that - according to our understanding of how stars form - shouldn't exist at all. Here's the story of the "Caffau...

My Big Fat Creek Wedding

The title of this picture from redditor theroboticdan is "My cousin's entire Bridal Party sank into a lake this weekend. Awesome picture.... " but the top-voted comment gave it the above title. There are plenty more...

Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops

Meaghan Mountford shows you step-by-step how to make your own frightening Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops for a ghoulishly glorious Halloween treat! Any recipe that calls for "candy eyes" is alright by me. Can you get...

Zombie Map

Where in the world are zombies? Oxford Internet Institute researchers Mark Graham (of Floating Sheep's fame), Taylor Shelton, Matthew Zook, and Monica Stephens mapped the wor...

Skull of Yorick

Skull of Yorick - $12.95 Have you been dieing to reenact your favorite scene from William Shakespeare's Hamlet? You need the Skull of Yorick from the NeatoShop.  This resin skull will save you the trouble and legal r...

BigDog Evolution

(YouTube link)Boston Dynamics made a music video featuring their BigDog Robotic Mule. You'll see clips of various stages of the robot's development and testing set to the tune of "Let the Big Dog Eat" perf...

A Practical Use for a Broken Laptop

Gabor used a nonfunctional laptop to prop up a working laptop with broken hinges! Linkrecycle, computer, repurpose, laptop...

Wingsuited Man Flies Through a Mountain

(YouTube link) American daredevil Jeb Corliss became the first man in a wingsuit to fly in China, and flew right through a natural arch at Tianenman mountain in Hunan Province. The action starts about one m...

Phone Books

This Twaggie was illustrated by Jeff Maksuta from a Tweet by @0ddfellow. How long has it been since you've used a phone book for anything other than boosting a seat? You can't go by my experience, since I only talk t...

Slow-Motion Slinky Drop

(YouTube link) When you drop a slinky, which part of it moves faster? When you get a good look at it in slow-motion, it only raises more questions, which physics professor Rod Cross explains. See the rest of the exp...

A Day in Palindromia

The following is an article from Uncle John's Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader. Our readers seem to love palindromes, words or phrases that are spelled the same forward and backward. So, on a recent trip to the...

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