A 6-month-old bulldog, Tinkerbell, ate a training collar off another bulldog in their house. The owners had no idea until she ate a second metal slip collar and then proceeded to become seriously ill. Doctors were surprised to find two slip collars in her stomach.
Penelope, a 2-year-old duck, presented for left leg lameness and was uncomfortable upon abominal palpation. Radiographs showed a nail and stones in her gizzard. Surgery was performed and Penelope went home. She was back a month later. Radiographs revealed another nail and a second surgery was performed.
A 1 1?2-year-old male Chi-weenie had chewed on a bottle of Gorilla Glue. The glue expanded in his stomach and molded to it perfectly. He had a complete recovery after the surgery.
There's more, all with x-rays, in the contest announcement. Link -via Metafilter