Cat Eating "Cereal"

(YouTube link)

Queso the cat would rather have gooshy food but is given dry food and water, so he makes cold cereal. Or maybe you could say he prefers his kibble au jus. -via Buzzfeed

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I had a weird cat once that stole potatoes from the bin and took them off to private corner. She would bite the peel off and spit out each mouthful, then eat the inside of the potato. We would find a half potato surrounded by a pile of catbite-size peelings.
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My old cat used to get dried biscuits and wet meat in separate bowls. He'd pick up several mouthfuls of the biscuits, drop them on top of the meat and proceed to eat them together.
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My cat Alice does this also. It got to the point that we have to place a separate water bowl for her next to the food - the other cats were less than thrilled with her eating habits.

Good to see my cat isn't alone!
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