Archive for September 21st, 2011

Laura Bifano's 8-Bit Animal Kingdom

These paintings by Laura Bifano depict animals as a bunch of squares, but this ain't your grandma's Cubism. This is 8-bit Cubist artworks for the video game generation, with cubic animals that look like they've leape...

Huge Pumpkins Turned into Boats, Then Raced Against Each Other

(Video Link) Damariscotta, Maine, hosts an annual regatta of pumpkin boats. Yes, pumpkin boats. People take huge pumpkins, hollow them out, and then use them as boats. Some even attach outboard motors. Then contesta...

The Advantage of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is considered a handicap by many people, but learning disabilities specialists Brock and Fernette Eide argue that dyslexic children actually have an edge in life. Her...

Guinea Pig Rental Service

Guinea pigs and other small mammals don't do well as solitary pets. They need at least one companion or they get lonely. Guinea pig owners know this, but the Swiss government takes it very seriously. In Switzerland, it's...


Batstache -  $4.75 Halloween is right around the corner. Show the world you are batty about this fantastic holiday with the Batstache from the NeatoShop. The Batstache is what all the groovy ghosts and ghouls are wea...

F is for Fire, T is for Tetris, and Y is for Yeti

You've never learned the alphabet like this! Here's a very neat animated video clip (I mean it's got fire. Fire!) by Alessandro Novelli for Italian creative firm n9ve. Hit play...

Old-School Nintendo Controller Rug

Best home decor item for a gaming room ever? I think so. Sadly, this retro rug offered by Etsy seller WTCrafts is all sold out, though it looks like she makes them to order, so maybe if you asked her nicely... Link...

1 Out of 5 Americans Expect to be Millionaires

We all hope to be rich one day, but Americans - who are very optimistic people - *expect* to be rich. Heck, according to a new poll, 1 out of 5 Americans expect to be millionaires in...

Banana Fan

(Video Link) The banana fan has been around since 2002. This video was uploaded in 2007. Yet somehow these things are still not in mass production. How can that be? -via That's Nerdalicious!fans, bananas...

Scrap Metal Mercedes

Giganten aus Strahl is an art studio in Germany that produces fantastic sculptures out of scrap metal, including this sadly nonfunctional Mercedes 300 coupe replica. You can see more photos at the link, including one...

Over-the-Top Kids Birthday Parties

How much did you spend on your kid's last birthday party? However much it was, I bet you didn't spend $40,000. That's right: here's a story on ABC Nightline by Andrea Canning and Alexan...

Pin and Thread Illustrations

Mind = blown. Debbie Smythe, a textile artist from the UK, makes enormous installations composed of threads strung along pins. Although what you're seeing may look like a pen and ink drawing, it's actually hundreds o...

Butterfinger Cheesecakes

Get in mah belleh! Naomi of Bakers Royale created these cheesecakes. The crust is made out of Butterfinger candy bars and prezels and the whole concoction is topped with chocolate sauce and peanut butter cre...

8 Lines That Would Have Ended Star Wars Really Quickly

A decision by a single character, often a very small change, would have completely altered the Star Wars trilogy. Brian Murphy of Dorkly offers eight examples. Sadly, no change to the original trilo...

Italian Couple Bring in Lawyers to Kick Their 41-Year-Old Out of the House

A lot of parents suffer from the Empty Nest Syndrome, but an elderly couple in Italy have the opposite problem: their "mammone" or mommy's boy refuses to leave home....

Star Wars Wacky Wisecracks Bobbleheads

Star Wars Wacky Wisecracks Bobbleheads -  $11.45 Are you a Star Wars fan with a great sense of humor? You need to check out the new Star Wars Wacky Wisecracks Bobbleheads from the NeatoShop. These little guys will cr...

Longcat is Long

(YouTube link) Stewie is a Maine Coon cat, but I suspect there may be a bit of lynx or bobcat in his ancestral lineage, dontcha think? In August of 2010, Stewie was measured at 48.5 inches long, good enough for a wo...

The Phylogeny of Bread Clips

In a peer-reviewed publication of the British Medical Journal, there's a “proposal for phylogenic plastic bag clip classification”. The reasoning behind the need for classification is because so many bre...

The Past and Future of Famous Logos

We've brought you the stories of how some famous logos have *evolved, but what about the future? At Stock Logos, we see how some logos become simpler over time, and that trend is projected into the future. Of course,...

Gavrilo Princip's Sandwich

The politics that led to World War I are important, but difficult to teach in American schools because the events are distant in both time and place. To capture the interest of students, teachers often tell the story of...

If Computer Problems Were Real

(YouTube link) The metaphors we use for the world of computers are kind of weird, as illustrated in ths video. The first word is the only part that might be NSFW. -via Buzzfeedcomputer, language, metaphor...

The All Ireland Scarecrow Championship

Sunny Wieler's GPS led him on a mysterious detour in which he saw 150 scarecrows doing the things townspeople normally do. They were busy competing for the title of best scarecrow! The All Ireland Scarecrow Champions...

Diabetic Dog Finds Home with Diabetic Twins

Roxy is a Staffordshire bull terrier who suffers from diabetes and requires daily insulin shots. The Scottish SPCA wondered if she would ever be adopted into a permanent home. But Catherine and Graham Hendry didn't consi...

The New York Times Just Turned 160

Last Sunday was the 160th anniversary of The New York Times. Throughout those years, The Times has created quite a reputation for itself and has even garnered the nickname the “newspaper of record.”...

Rebuilding a Smile

Once upon a time, there was an adorable little girl in Brazil who had trouble eating because she had a cleft lip and palate. She was a happy child, but she hid behind her stuffed toy because she knew she looked funny. Th...

What A Nice Place For USB Drives To Live

I don't know about you guys, but I'm always misplacing all my USB drives and SD cards. Fortunately, someone has finally created a delightful city where they can all go to spend some time together when you're not usin...

5 War Heroes Who Never Touched A Weapon

It's one thing to be a hero who kills hundreds of enemy soldiers in battle, but to become a hero without even using a weapon -now that's impressive. Cracked has a great list of heroes who fought the good fight withou...

Periodical Elements Pirate Pillow

Just because Talk Like A Pirate Day is over doesn't mean that it's too late to enjoy pirate stuff like Etsy seller YellowBugBoutique's periodic elements pillow that happens to spell out "pirate." It's just perfect for al...

Time For More Fun Fan Art

I've shared a few BuzzFeed fan art collections before and because they're just so darn fun I couldn't help but share another of these galleries with you. This particular gallery features this delightful WolverMickey....

10 Bizarre Celebrity Pets

These days it's all too common to see celebrities like Paris Hilton trotting through the mall with their precious little puppies in their purse, but just imagine if they were as crazy as Salvador Dali with his pet oc...


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