Batstache - $4.75
Halloween is right around the corner. Show the world you are batty about this fantastic holiday with the Batstache from the NeatoShop. The Batstache is what all the groovy ghosts and ghouls are wea...
(Video Link)
The banana fan has been around since 2002. This video was uploaded in 2007. Yet somehow these things are still not in mass production. How can that be?
-via That's Nerdalicious!fans, bananas...
(YouTube link)
Stewie is a Maine Coon cat, but I suspect there may be a bit of lynx or bobcat in his ancestral lineage, dontcha think? In August of 2010, Stewie was measured at 48.5 inches long, good enough for a wo...
Once upon a time, there was an adorable little girl in Brazil who had trouble eating because she had a cleft lip and palate. She was a happy child, but she hid behind her stuffed toy because she knew she looked funny. Th...