An eBay seller has this photograph up for the "buy it now" price of a million dollars. It looks suspiciously like the star of Raising Arizona and Leaving Las Vegas.
Original c.1870 carte de visite showing a man who looks exactly like
Nick Cage. Personally, I believe it's him and that he is some sort of
walking undead / vampire, et cetera, who quickens / reinvents
himself once every 75 years or so. 150 years from now, he might
be a politician, the leader of a cult, or a talk show host.
This is not a trick photo, it's an original photograph of a man who
lived in Bristol, TN sometime around the Civil War.
No word on whether the watermark comes with it. Link -via Blame It On The Voices
Comments (10)
I say we're living in a matrix and they're re-using the same models. Lazy bastards. Think we won't notice. Hah.
Also science tells us that vampires went extinct sometime in the 1600s.