When we were very young, we learned how to place things in order: first second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. Some of us went on to decorate cakes that wished children a Happy Birthday with their age specified as an ordinal number. But occasionally, the numeric abbreviation for an ordinal gets messed up. Cake Wrecks has eight, count 'em, eight cakes with the ordinals 1th, 2th, and 3th. http://www.cakewrecks.com/home/2011/9/14/we-need-more-rooster-tears.html
When we were very young, we learned how to place things in order: first second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. Some of us went on to decorate cakes that wished children a Happy Birthday with their age specified as an ordinal number. But occasionally, the numeric abbreviation for an ordinal gets messed up. Cake Wrecks has eight, count 'em, eight cakes with the ordinals 1th, 2th, and 3th. http://www.cakewrecks.com/home/2011/9/14/we-need-more-rooster-tears.html
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