Divorce Hotel

Divorce Hotel is not a particular place, but a service available to splitting couples in the Netherlands, in which they can go to a hotel for three days to work out an agreement. It's the brainchild of Jim Halfens, who is not a lawyer.
Couples thinking about going through the Divorce Hotel process have to start with a set of extensive interviews. If they decide they can settle their differences quickly, with a mediator instead of lawyers, then they choose a four or five star hotel.

Over three days, the mediator and other specialists – notaries, even psychologists – are on hand to help the couple.

"If the marriage can be saved, we always tell people they are at the wrong address at the divorce hotel," said Marie-Louise Van As, a lawyer who works as a mediator at the Divorce Hotel.

She notes that the three-day hotel stays are not a vacation. There are checklists, homework she calls it, that the couples have to do ahead of time.

But, Van As says, it's worth it for many couples.

"In Holland to get divorced usually lasts six to nine months," Van As said. "A bad divorce, a fighting divorce, can last five to 10 years. And cost 50,000 Euros or more.

The Divorce Hotel process costs about 5% of that. So far, participating couples have booked separate rooms. Link -via Fortean Times

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