U.S. Residents Grade their States

Residents were asked to rate their states among factors such as economy, education, and things to do. In total, 293 people responded with an average of 5 per state. Click the link to see the report cards.

Link -via Boing Boing | See also The United States of Shame.

Shame this is completely meaningless, it's obvious even from the results that some states are based on maybe one or two responses. Also, the answers to the questions were loaded in how they were phrased, so it wasn't really a scale.

I'd be curious to see the same thing done properly - this is just someone's exercise in making an infographic.
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An average of five per state is totally useless, to say nothing of the fact that self-rating on these complex issues is doubly totally useless. Making it at least 250% useless by my totally useless count.
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Frankinbeans: in statistics, the size of the population doesn't really matter when considering sample size. A sample of 293 is sufficient, regardless of the size of the population. However, the problem here isn't the 293; it's the 5. A sample size of 5 has a HUGE margin of error, which makes the state-by-state ratings completely meaningless. I can't believe someone took the time to create a graphic for such worthless data.
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