Metropolitan Etiquette Authority: Mind Your Manners Signs Around New York

New York artist Jay Shells got tired of the rude manners of fellow New Yorkers and decided to take matters into his own hands. He created official-looking etiquette signs around Manhattan, under the guise of the "Metropolitan Etiquette Authority."

This one above is my favorite. Bravo! Link - via Laughing Squid

Sheesh- sagging pants are not my style, but I sure wouldn't prohibit wearing them. I don't care if underwear is outerwear! What next? Will people be forced into uniforms? At this very minute there are people who dislike YOUR style. Are they telling YOU what you can or can not wear?
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They need to copy that pants sign and start sending them out everywhere! Especially here.
I am so tired of seeing guys w/ 1 pair of pants down to their knees showing the world what color boxers they're wearing while they hobble around b/c they can't walk right.
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I've never understood the 'trend' of saggy pants, showing their underwear and ass.... It's the most ridiculous, pathetic thing I've ever seen. They all look like retards who pooped themselves, waddling around, saying 'yeah, yeah!' to everything. And it's mostly blacks... yes I said it! :oP

Monkey see, monkey do. LOL
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I asked my 15 year old stepson about this; why he wears his pants low and his boxers showing. He said, "I know it looks stupid, but the girls like it."
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The whole pants thing devolved from prisons where uniforms were given out that were too big...and tended to sag...which then got picked up by kids on the street trying to look tough...But what's funny is it then went back into the prisons where you can easily get pants that art imitating life imitating art...
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Not my style either. It is silly and ridiculous, but people have the right to be silly and ridiculous in what they wear. I am very surprised that most comments support taken rights away from other people. Mike's comments aren't retarded.
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People have the right to wear what they want how they want, just like I have the right to point and laugh out loud. Surprisingly it only takes one person to start it and soon the entire crowd is laughing at the baggy pants guy. Social shame, it can be effective.
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What your are doing is great. It is the valiant attempt to recapture the feeling of honor and respect missing more and more in today's generations.
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I agree with the idea that people have a right to express themselves, but others have a right to not be offended as well, to a point. I mean I should be able to wear a shirt with a picture of mohammed on it as well. Also, I think the point of the sagging pants being debilitating, in the sense it can make you fall down and hurt yourself might be reason enough to say it is not right, especially if we had socialized health care. I mean we arent too keen on people smoking.
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