In 1983, when he as fifteen years old, Craig Smith broke his father's soldering iron. He fixed it (above) using parts of a toy made to resemble Han Solo's blaster (below). It still works! And, of course, it has a scope. You need a scope if you're soldering from a great distance.
Link | Photos: Craig Smith, Wookieepedia
I don't see the need to glorify and sexualize sadistic violence. Maybe you do. Maybe you'll think of a clever excuse to post a snuff-film next, or a crush video. It's a free country. But you should think before you post. Really. Just think. Or at least try.
"Guns are used to kill people. No other use, no other purpose. Nobody's ever found a single other use for them but murder."
Seriously? Sustenance, Sport, and Self-Defense. That's three uses that are not murder. You are welcome.
Killing an alleged criminal is vigilantism, not self-defense. "Self-defense" has nothing to do with unilaterally declaring yourself judge, jury, and executioner and then carrying out the "sentence" yourself. And what are you killing over? A few dollars? Some minor inconvenience? Your pride? Sorry, that's just not legitimate.
In our modern era, nobody needs to hunt for food. Hunting is a twisted, sadistic, unnecessary practice. Children who torture animals usually grow up to be serial killers, this is well-established. So hunting is totally illegitimate.
Finally, "target" shooting? That's not a sport. It's like operating a backhoe. The gun is automatic. Your penis-substitute machine gun is not for target shooting, and there is no skill involved. Simulations are far more realistic and require far more ability. Any young video-gamer has infinitely more skill than you, because you are hiding in the dark, clutching your guns out of pure animal terror and racist hate. If you had the courage to go out to the range now and then, you would discover that your Glocks and machine guns can't be used for target shooting. Your fear makes you a terrorist.
Although I strongly disagree with Ben's views, I must insist that commenters refrain from making personal insults.
But no matter what is said you will still have your views and continue to press them onto others that don't want to hear it. You are what is wrong with America.
I am for gun control but I know firearms have their place (I assume you live in a urban area). I can tell you are un-ware of firearms because your lack of knowledge.
I'll wait for your response to tell me how wrong I am.
#2, Ben you are completely out of touch with reality. I guess the IDPA, IPSC, USPSA, 4H and The Olympics need to shutter their doors since Ben said shooting isn't a sport. Since Ben obviously has no idea what shooting is or the incredible amount of focus and concentration it takes to perform at a certain level. Also, please let the bad guy just shoot me because heaven forbid I be judge, jury and executioner to someone that is standing in front of me saying they are going to kill me for my property. I guess I will tell him to please wait while I call the police so they can get all of that rolling. I mean, I surely don't want to pass judgement on someone that broke into my home in the middle of the night. He is probably there to collect some change for UNICEF. I'll remember that next time. No one needs to hunt for food? You're again out of touch with reality. I know many people that are able to make ends meet because either they or their friends can provide enough meat for the year in one hunting season. Ever hear of Hunters for the Hungry? No? Probably because you (again) have no idea what you're talking about. Also, let's touch on the "letting nature take its course" path you people like to go down. Try watching an animal starve to death. That's a really terrible thing, but most people with a brain know it's just natural. So, hunting is just so much more horrible that starving to death. Do some research before you make a post. Try and make things a little more difficult for me next time. These were softballs.